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Inquiry into Morphology

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1 Inquiry into Morphology

2 Question to guide inquiry
Today we will do an inquiry and ask, “How often does it really pay off to push ourselves to look inside words when they are tricky?”

3 More than 60 percent of academic words have word parts (also called morphemes or roots) that always s carry the same meaning. Knowing that words can be broken down into meaning units is a powerful strategy for vocabulary development.

4 Quick example I want to break down INDESTRUCTIBLE

5 Quick example I want to break down IN / DESTRUCT / IBLE

6 DESTRUCT is like destroy???
Quick example I want to break down IN / DESTRUCT / IBLE DESTRUCT is like destroy???

7 DESTRUCT is like destroy??? IN usually means not
Quick example I want to break down IN / DESTRUCT / IBLE DESTRUCT is like destroy??? IN usually means not

8 Quick example IN / DESTRUCT / IBLE DESTRUCT is like destroy???
I want to break down IN / DESTRUCT / IBLE DESTRUCT is like destroy??? IN usually means not IBLE is sort of like able

9 So today, lets push ourselves
Let’s look into the fifth grade passages.




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