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Indian Name Poem Go to the Miscellaneous section of your composition book and take out your resources and open to pages 43 and 44: What are some characteristics.

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Presentation on theme: "Indian Name Poem Go to the Miscellaneous section of your composition book and take out your resources and open to pages 43 and 44: What are some characteristics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indian Name Poem Go to the Miscellaneous section of your composition book and take out your resources and open to pages 43 and 44: What are some characteristics of your personality? Describe what kind of person you are.

2 2. If you were reborn as an animal, which animal would you be
2. If you were reborn as an animal, which animal would you be? In other words, what animal captures your personality?

3 Take out your character traits sheet and circle all of the traits that capture your personality. Now select the most dominant one and write that down. Make sure it’s not one of the bold words but a synonym below.

4 Write the adjective you selected followed by the animal you selected that captures your personality and now you have your Indian name. Share your Indian name with your partner and explain how that name captures your personality.

5 Indian Name Poem Assignment
Write 5-10 lines- the poem does not have to rhyme- that tell who you are. The title of the poem will be your Indian name. The poem must use Adjectives Descriptive words and phrases Imagery- similes, metaphors, personification Draw a picture- no downloads- to go with your poem – the picture should be creative and show that you put thought into it- no stick figures!

6 Indian Name Poem Assignment
The poem and picture are due this Wed./ Thurs- the project will be worth 45 points: 20 points for the poem 15 points for the picture 10 points for the presentation You will present your picture and read your poem to the class as part of your grade for this assignment- your picture must be original- no downloads You MUST project your voice and make sure everyone can hear you. I will mark you down if I have to ask you to speak louder.

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