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#1 Most humanists see the church as a means to accomplish societal objectives? False True A: B: Both I don’t know C: D:

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Presentation on theme: "#1 Most humanists see the church as a means to accomplish societal objectives? False True A: B: Both I don’t know C: D:"— Presentation transcript:


2 #1 Most humanists see the church as a means to accomplish societal objectives? False True A: B: Both I don’t know C: D:

3 B. False

4 #2 What consequences are certain if a sociologist fails to see the inherent sinfulness of human beings and alienation from God and others because of sin? He will prescribe the wrong solutions The person will become a murderer A: B: The person will go to hell He will help the person C: D:

5 B. He will misdiagnose the human problem and prescribe the wrong solutions

6 #3 What shows us that humans must face the consequences of their ideas and actions? Adam and Eve brought a curse by disobeying God. Jesus’ death on the cross A: B: God’s mercy The 12 disciples C: D:

7 Adam and Eve brought a curse by disobeying God

8 #4 Who believes that social institutions are more important than the individual but the Bible presents the overall idea that each human being has worth as an individual because individuals are eternal. Deists Christians A: B: Theists Humanists C: D:

9 D. Humanists

10 What did the fall of Adam and Eve bring to all human beings?
#5 What did the fall of Adam and Eve bring to all human beings? Alienation from God Happiness A: B: Peace Divinity C: D:

11 A. Alienation from God

12 #6 Some of the key ideas of ___________ are: God has ordained the social institutions of family, church, and state so that each would foster love, respect, discipline, work and harmonious community. Christian Sociology A: Transcendentalism B: Theism Deism C: D:

13 A. Christian Sociology

14 #7 The Christian believes that the institution of the _____ has the ultimate responsibility to education children. Schools Family A: B: Church All of the Above C: D:

15 B. Family

16 #8 The Christian believes that God has ordained the social institutions of ________, _______, and _______. Government, Law, Order Entertainment, Friends, Media A: B: Family, Church, State Church, Music, Gatherings C: D:

17 C. Family, Church, State

18 #9 Most humanists look to __________ as the means through which they can indoctrinate society with their worldview. Government Education Churches A: B: Commercials All of the Above C: D:

19 B. Government Education

20 #10 Most _______ see the traditional family as an outdated and inhibiting institution. Humanists Christians A: B: Youth None of the Above C: D:

21 A. Humanists

22 The role of the church in society is:
#11 The role of the church in society is: To proclaim salvation and turn society toward God To minister to those within its membership A: B: To provide an example of community to the world All of the Above C: D:

23 D. All of the Above

24 #12 Mankind is charged with the duty of protecting and directing the growth of all _________ institutions. Church Governmental A: B: Societal Familial C: D:

25 C. Societal

26 What aspect(s) of society is/are outside the realm of Christianity?
#13 What aspect(s) of society is/are outside the realm of Christianity? A: The Government B: Secular Society C: Secular business D: No aspect of society

27 D. No aspect of society

28 #14 Which of the following did God intend the family to encourage?
Spinal and intestinal growth Mental and spiritual growth A: B: Radical feminism and moral relativism Female oppression and male domination C: D:

29 Mental and Spirtiual Growth
B. Mental and Spirtiual Growth

30 #15 Which of the following worldviews deny that God ordains the institutions of family, church, and state? Naturalistic Transcendentalist A: B: Christian Both A and B C: D:

31 D. Both A and B

32 Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing!

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