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Binary It’s all 0’s and 1’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Binary It’s all 0’s and 1’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Binary It’s all 0’s and 1’s

2 Objective for the rest of the Lesson
You will be able to convert denary to binary and back again! How to add to add 2 different binary numbers together

3 Units The most basic and smallest piece of computer data is a bit
8 bits = 1 byte We then measure everything in bits not bytes So kilobyte – 1024 bytes

4 So what is Binary? Humans use the denary number system
Computers use 1 and 0 hence BINARY Its all about what the CPU is reading 0 a switch is open 1 its closed

5 On Paper! It all about tables! Binary only goes from 0-255
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Denary 86 149 255 It all about tables! Binary only goes from 0-255 Use this chart and you can’t go wrong!

6 Adding Binary 0 + 0 = 0 1 + 0 = 0 1 + 1 = 10 = 11 Confused?

7 Let me explain The first 2 rows are the 2 numbers you are adding
1 The first 2 rows are the 2 numbers you are adding The third row is where the carrying goes The bottom row is the answer

8 Stage 1 From the rules earlier we know that 1+1=10
1 From the rules earlier we know that 1+1=10 So 0 goes in the fourth row and the 1 carries over

9 Row 2 is now 0+1+1 which is 10 so the same happen again
Stage 2 1 Row 2 is now which is 10 so the same happen again

10 Row 3 is now 1+0+1 which is 10 so the same happen again
Stage 3 1 Row 3 is now which is 10 so the same happen again

11 Row 4 is now 1+1+1 which is 11 so the same happen again
Stage 4 1 Row 4 is now which is 11 so the same happen again

12 Carry this on until… 1 Simple?

13 Overflow? The biggest number you can represent with 8 bits is 255 ( ) (252) (15) (267) The computer would need 9 bits to represent 267 so this 9th bit doesn’t fit in the byte allocated. This is overflow.

14 Finally I need a volunteer…. Tell the class about units
What about denary and binary Hands up if you love 1’s and 0’s

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