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2014-15 District Goal To drive our instructional focus across the district using benchmarking, diagnostic, and classroom level data. Remind teachers of.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-15 District Goal To drive our instructional focus across the district using benchmarking, diagnostic, and classroom level data. Remind teachers of."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Goal To drive our instructional focus across the district using benchmarking, diagnostic, and classroom level data. Remind teachers of our district goal and how we are trying to connect all of this information as we move forward with the SLO. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

2 Student Learning Objectives (SLO)

3 Historic Perspective PDE initially required the SLO process to begin at the start of the school year. PDE changed the mandatory start date to the second semester of the school year. The administration of CBSD opted to start the SLO process in the second semester. The administration and the CEA met to discuss SLO - specific requirements for the LEA. Remind teachers that this is a PDE mandate and not a district initiative. The administration has worked closely with the CEA in developing the SLO requirements for this year. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

4 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Review how the elective data will also be used for the teacher specific data. The 15% teacher specific data will be determined based on their assignment. The teacher specific data will be worth 15% of the teacher evaluation and will be distributed as follows: Scenario 1 – tested subject with IEP count under 25 (All PSSA & Keystone Teachers) 1) Student performance on assessments _ 3__% 2) PVAAS 3-year rolling average 0% 3) IEP goal progress 0% 4) LEA developed rubric _12__% Scenario 2 – non-tested subject with IEP count under 25 (Most Other Teachers) 1) Student performance on assessments 0% 4) LEA developed rubric % IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

5 measure of educator effectiveness
SLO Process A process to document a measure of educator effectiveness based on student achievement of content standards. Discuss the philosophy behind the process and how it relates to teacher effectiveness and connections to content specific standards. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

6 The SLO in PA is written to a specific teacher and a specific class/course/content area for which that teacher provides instruction. The SLO must connect to the content standards being taught. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

7 Every teacher designs an SLO
Math Physics Physical Education History Chemistry This is not just for tested subject areas. Kindergarten Special Ed Journalism IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

8 Working Together to Create an SLO
Collaborative development of an SLO is encouraged (e.g., similar content area or grade level teachers, interdisciplinary groups of educators) Encourage teachers to work together for creating their SLO and let them know it is OK to copy examples they may find. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

9 Check for understanding….
Reflect on the following questions: How is the SLO used? Who writes an SLO? What does an SLO measure? Address any questions or areas of confusion. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

10 5 Part SLO Template Classroom Context SLO Goal
Performance Measure (PM) Performance Indicators (PI) Elective Rating Distribute the SLO Template and refer to the structure and the 5 sections listed. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

11 Section 1: Classroom Context
General Description Contains demographic information about the educational setting Articulates the course, grade level (s), and students on which the SLO is based Provides class size, frequency, and duration data Start with Section one. It describes the demographics unique to each teacher. 11 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

12 Section 1: Art Example IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Use this example of a completed form. This will look like their handout. Tell them PA-ETEP will put things into the correct form as they enter their information online. See next slide. 12 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

13 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Tell Teachers they will be putting this information into PA-ETEP so the format will look a bit different. The information is the same, but they may want to make notes on the handouts as the presentation continues. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

14 Section 2: SLO Goal General Description
Contains a statement about the “enduring understanding” or “big idea” Provides the specific PA standards associated with the goal Articulates a rationale about the Goal Statement Discuss broad goal statements as they relate to content standards as you move to the next slide. 14 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

15 Goal Aligned to Standards Key SLO Process Component:
Know and understand the Standards a) PA Standards b) National Standards c) Professional Content Standards IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

16 Goal Statement: Big Idea
Definition: Narrative articulation of the “big idea” upon which the SLO is based Characteristics: Encompasses the “enduring understanding” of the standard Central to the content area Foundational concepts for later subjects/courses (it is what the students need to know before they can move on) May make a reference to a unit EQ versus a daily lesson EQ. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

17 Goal Considerations Is the goal statement… Aligned to a Big idea
Related to the teacher’s content area of certification? Focused on major area(s) of learning at the grade level? Measurable? Realistic? Remind teachers that they need to be working with the end in mind. Will you be able to measure your goal in a concrete way? IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

18 The SLO Goal Statement: What’s the Important Learning?
Spanish 1 Students will be able demonstrate effective communication in the target language by speaking and listening, writing, and reading. 8th Grade Art Students will demonstrate the ability to manipulate visual art materials and tools to create works based on the ideas of other artists and to evaluate the processes and products of themselves and other artists. Grade 5 Library Students will demonstrate the ability to use online D.P.S. databases and search engines, Britannica Elementary, Culture Grams, and Net trekker toward support real world experiences and determine which is the best source for specific information. 2a. The SLO Goal Statement: What’s the Important Learning? Go over these examples. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

19 Sample Goal Statement Apply the concepts and the competencies of nutrition, eating habits, and safe food preparation techniques to overall health and wellness throughout the life cycle at individual, family, and societal levels. This is the place to insert goal statements from your buildings. You may also tell them that there are resources and other examples of SLO documents and goal statements on the curriculum web site. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

20 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Take them to the site and direct them to the standards link tab at the top of the page. Go to next slide. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

21 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Point out the big ideas and where they can find them in SAS. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

22 Section 2: Art Example This slide looks like their handouts but has the same information included. This example uses numerical representations for the standards. We are asking teachers to write out the wording for the standard in this area. All Standards should be written in full after the identification number. 22 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

23 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
This slide will show them what things will look like in section 2 on PA-ETEP. Discuss 2a, 2b, and 2c as it relates back to slide 22 and the art example. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

24 Section 3: Performance Measures
General Description Identifies all performance measures, including name, purpose, type, and metric Articulates the administration and scoring details, including the reporting Note: Section 3 is based upon high-quality performance measures aligned to the targeted content standards Section 3 is about what structures/assessments a teacher will use to show movement within the SLO. It is very important that these measures closely reflect the standard being used for the SLO. 24 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

25 Performance Measures What performance measures (assessments)
Key SLO Process Component: Performance Measures What performance measures (assessments) are appropriate to measure student learning of the standards? Here you can talk about data work hat has been done this year for tested areas versus non-tested subject areas that will need to find alternative assessments through local tests or projects that use a rubric for the assessment. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

26 Performance Measures Consider your existing assessments: What assessments do you use in your classroom/school? Why do you use them? How could they work in your SLO? If your assessments do not work, what will you use to measure growth and/or mastery? Will you need to design an assessment? Ask teachers to think about assessments they already use as part of their daily practice. Is there an assessment you are already using that can provide data points for SLO measurement? Pre and post testing would not be sufficient data for this without other data points along the way. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

27 Section 3: Art Example 3. 3a 3b 3c 3d
This examples shows the use of three Performance measures (#1,2,and3) in 3a 3b addresses the type of PM that will be used 3c Describes the purpose as it connects to the standard(s) 3d Talks about the type of measurement that the SLO will use 3c 3d 27 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

28 Section 3: Art Example 3e 3f 3g 3h IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Continue to describe the example. 3g 3h 28 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

29 Section 3: Art Example 3i 3j IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Continue to describe the art example. 29 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

30 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
The next three slide take teachers through putting information into section 3 on PA-ETEP. These are here for them to relate their handouts to what things will look like when they go online. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

31 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS


33 Section 4: Performance Indicators
General Description Articulates targets for each Performance Measure Includes all students in the identified SLO group May include a focused student group Affords opportunity to link indicators and/or weighting This area will be used to discuss the various approaches that can be used as performance indicators for each SLO. 33 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

34 Common Growth Approach
Student Baseline Target A 50 of 100 70 of 100 B 90 of 100 C 55 of 100 75 of 100 All will grow 20 points based on individual starting points. This allows for different levels of learners. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

35 Mastery Approach Student Baseline Target A 3 of 10 7 of 10 B 2 of 10 C
Growth to Mastery. Here all students must meet the final target from their individual starting points. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

36 Half the Gap Approach Student Baseline Target A 10 of 100 55 of 100 B
100 total points- A: = 90 (gap) 45 is half the gap and 10+45=55 B: = 25 (gap) 12.5 or 13 is half the gap and 75+13= 88 C: = 50 (gap) 25 is half the gap and 50+25=75 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

37 Banded Approach Student Baseline Target A 8/10 (high) 10 of 10 B
3/10 (low) 7 of 10 Rank scores and group them High, Middle, Low- each band has a different target 1-3 low – must increase 4 points 4-5 middle- must increase 3 points 6-10 high- must increase 2 points IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

38 Performance Indicators
Key SLO Process Component: Performance Indicators Discuss the need to connect the performance measure with the performance indicator. Based on the performance measure, what are the expectations for individual student achievement? IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

39 4: Performance Indicator: What does Student Performance Look Like?
Describes individual student performance expectation 4a. What performance measure(s) –tests, assessments– will be used to measure student achievement of the standards, and what’s the expected student achievement level based on the scoring system for those measures? 4b. What’s the expected achievement level for unique populations? (students who did not do well on a pre-test, etc.) 4: Performance Indicator: What does Student Performance Look Like? How will teachers frame their assessments and what results should they expect. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

40 Section 4: Art Example 4. 4a 4b 4c 4d
The performance indicators are described in 4a as shown. 4c 4d 40 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

41 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
PA-ETEP view. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

42 Section 5: Elective Rating
General Description Identifies each level (Failing, Needs Improvement, Proficient, Distinguished) students are meeting the PI targets. Selects the overall SLO rating. Key Points for Trainers Teachers predict the % range of students that will reach their targets to determine whether the teacher is proficient. Ex. Set your target first – 80% of my students will reach benchmark to be proficient – WE WANT TO SEE GROWTH WITH ALL STUDENTS! 42 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

43 Elective Rating Key SLO Process Component:
Describes the number of students expected to meet the performance indicator criteria. Example: Proficient 70% to 89% of students meet the performance indicator. We will all use the same numbers for section five. See next slide. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

44 You will need to type the percentages in each category as listed
You will need to type the percentages in each category as listed. Everyone will use the same ranges for each category. Tell them to look at the bottom of their handouts for this same information. On PA-ETEP teachers will fill in the percentages. All teachers will use the same numbers for this year. This will be addressed on the next slides. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

45 CBSD 2014-15 SLO Articulations IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
The next slide will address specific requirements based on an agreement with the administration and CEA. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

46 Student Learning Objectives
All teachers must complete 1 or 2 Student Learning Objectives. For the year teachers will complete 1 to 3 performance measure (s) tied to their data results or LEA rubric. The performance measure(s) should be targeted to a specific standard within the content area and address one of the metric areas of Growth, Mastery, or Growth and Mastery. Highlights: 1 or 2 SLO’s 1-3 Performance Measures IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

RATING PERFORMANCE MEASURES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ALL STUDENTS TARGETED STUDENTS This is a nice slide to bring the process together. Remind teachers that they are encouraged to work together and that they copy examples that are available to them through the curriculum page under resources. Module 7-C4 Final

48 SLO Timeline SLO to be submitted for review by 1-30-15.
Principals will review the SLO. Data collection can begin once approval has been received from the building principal. Electronic documents may be stored in your online folders. Review the process you have established for your building. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS

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