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S w e d e n By: Harrison Taff.

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Presentation on theme: "S w e d e n By: Harrison Taff."— Presentation transcript:

1 S w e d e n By: Harrison Taff

2 What is the capital? Stockholm is the capital of Sweden
the coordinates of the city are….. Latitude: Longitude: “Latitude and Longitude Finder, Lat Long Finder & Maps.” Maps of World,

3 Any major bodies of water there, aye?
The Malaren River is a major body of water as it connects to the sea and runs through stockholm providing trade for stockholms capital. Google Maps, Google,

4 Highest swedish point! The highest point in sweden is one of the peaks on the Kebnekaise mountains. It is is 6,926 ft above sea level “World Map / World Atlas / Atlas of the World Including Geography Facts and Flags - Worldatlas.Com.” World Atlas - Maps, Geography, travel,

5 Sports? The most popular sport or at least one of the most important sports in Sweden is Futball, or soccer.

6 Important Festivals? One very very very important festival is the The House of Metal Festival, it is an event where several metal bands all come and play separate shows over the week. This festival is important because it brings people together under one sun, and one sky in one spot where they can bang their heads around throwing their long locks of hair in every direction, while they partake in a violent form of dance known as moshing in which a particular area of a crowd start running around into each other until it creates a cyclone where the people go around and around. This might sound dangerous but as long as you have good manners while doing so everyone will not be he hurt, so no elbowing, punching slapping and if someone falls down… help them back up!

7 Exports? Yes, one of the most widely known swedish car brands are VOLVO, my mum drives a VOLVO… anyhow.

8 Apart of the EU? Yes, sweden is apart of the European Union and has been since the first of January, 1995

9 Celebrities? YES there are so many, the heavy metal band known as Meshuggah is a swedish metal band, and the one and only PEWDIEPIEEEEE is from sweden.

10 Important people? Stefan Lofven is the president of Sweden so he's important… ye.

11 WW1 Sweden remained neutral during WW1 and did not technically do any fighting

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