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Presentation on theme: "COLOR CODE PERSONALITY TEST"— Presentation transcript:

Only write A, B, C, OR D for each answer. You must be completely honest with yourself when answering each question. For questions where all apply , pick the one that is most like you most of the time. For questions where none apply, pick the one that you may have tendencies for sometimes.

2 The Color Code Personality Test
1. a) opinionated                                                            b) nurturing (caring) c) inventive (imaginative)                                                                       d) outgoing 2. a) power-hungry                                                           b) perfectionist c) indecisive (difficult time making decisions)                                                                   d) self-centered 3. a) dominant (control freak)                                                           b) sympathetic c) tolerant  (open-minded)                                                                    d) enthusiastic 4. a) narcissistic                                                          b) suspicious (don’t trust others) c) timid (shy)                                                                     d) naïve (inexperienced)

3 5. a) decisive                                                           b) loyal c) content                                                                      d) playful 6. a) arrogant                                                           b) worry-prone c) silently stubborn                                                                      d) flighty (scatterbrained) 7. a) assertive (confidence in oneself)                                                          b) reliable c) kind                                                                      d) sociable 8. a) bossy                                                       b) self-critical c) reluctant (unwilling to try new things)                                                                   d) a teaser

4 9. a) action-oriented (get things done)                                                         
b) analytical (knowing everything before making decisions) c) easygoing (go with the flow)                                                                     d) carefree (never upset about anything) 10. a) critical of others (judgmental of others)                                                        b) overly sensitive (feelings get hurt easily) c) unsure (about self abilities)                                                                      d) obnoxious 11. a) determined                                                           b) detail-conscious c) a good listener                                                                      d) a party person 12. a) demanding                                                          b) unforgiving c) unmotivated                                                                      d) vain (money and things matter most)

5 13. a) responsible                                                           b) idealistic (a dreamer) c) considerate                                                                      d) happy 14. a) impatient                                                         b) moody c) passive (nonchalant about things)                                                                     d) impulsive (doing things without planning) 15. a) pragmatic (“Facts man. It’s all about the facts.”)                                                         b) well-behaved c) accepting                                                                      d) spontaneous 16. a) argumentative                                                         b) unrealistic c) directionless                                                                      d) an interrupter

6 17. a) independent                                                           b) dependable c) even tempered                                                                      d) trusting (trusting others) 18. a) aggressive  (strong determination)                                                         b) often depressed c) ambivalent (uncertain about things)                                                                      d) forgetful 19. a) powerful (in mind and spirit)                                                          b) deliberate (carefully thinking out decisions) c) gentle                                                                      d) optimistic 20. a) insensitive (not worried about other’s feelings)                                                         b) judgmental c) boring                                                                      d) undisciplined (get distracted easily)

7 21. a) logical                                                           b) emotional c) agreeable                                                                      d) popular 22. a) always right                                                         b) guilt prone c) unenthusiastic                                                                      d) uncommitted 23. a) strong-willed                                                           b) respectful c) patient                                                                      d) fun-loving 24. a) merciless (showing no mercy to others)                                                        b) thoughtful c) uninvolved                                                                      d) a show-off

8 25. a) task-oriented (always focusing on the task at hand)                                                          
b) sincere c) diplomatic (tactful)                                                                    d) lively 26. a) tactless  (not considerate of others)                                                       b) hard to please c) lazy                                                                      d) loud 27. a) direct (no beating around the bush)                                                          b) creative c) adaptable                                                                      d) a performer 28. a) calculating (serving own interests first)                                                        b) self-righteous (can be hypocritical at times) c) self-deprecating (conscious of own weaknesses)                                                                    d) disorganized

9 29. a) confident                                                           b) disciplined (obeys the rules) c) pleasant                                                                      d) charismatic (attracts attention of others in a positive way) 30. a) intimidating                                                         b) careful c) unproductive                                                                      d) afraid to face facts

10 Situations 33. For me, life is most meaningful when it:
31. If I applied for a job, a prospective employer would most likely hire me because I am: a. Driven, direct, and delegating (good at instructing others to do it). b. Deliberate (always have a good reason for doing something), accurate, and reliable. c. Patient, adaptable, and tactful (can discuss sensitive issues without offending people). d. Fun-loving, spirited, and casual. 32. When involved in an intimate relationship, if I feel threatened by my partner, I: a. Fight back with facts and anger. b. Cry, feel hurt, and want revenge. c. Become quiet, withdrawn, and often hold anger until I blow up over some minor issue later. d. Distance myself and avoid further conflict. 33. For me, life is most meaningful when it: a. Is task-oriented and productive. b. Is filled with people and purpose. c. Is free of pressure and stress. d. Allows me to be playful, lighthearted, and optimistic.

11 34. As a child, I was: a. Stubborn, bright, and relatively quiet. b. Well- behaved, caring, but sometimes depressed. c. Quiet, easygoing, and/or shy. d. Too talkative, happy, and/or playful. 35. As an adult, I am: a. Opinionated, determined, and/ or bossy. b. Responsible, honest, and/or sometimes unforgiving. c. Accepting, content (happy), and unmotivated. d. Charismatic, positive, and sometimes obnoxious. 36. In an argument with a friend, I am most likely to be: a. Verbally stubborn about facts. b. Concerned about their feelings. c. Silently stubborn, uncomfortable, and/ or confused. d. Loud, uncomfortable, and compromising.

12 37. If my friend were in deep trouble, I would be:
a. Protective, resourceful, and recommend solutions. b. Concerned, empathetic (ability to put yourself in their place), and loyal- regardless of the problem. c. Supportive, patient, and a good listener. d. Nonjudgmental, optimistic, and downplaying the seriousness of the situation. 38. When making decisions, I am: a. Assertive (aggressively confident), articulate (well-spoken), and logical. b. Deliberate (a planner), precise, and cautious. c. Indecisive, timid (shy), and second guess my decision. d. Impulsive (act without thinking) and uncommitted to decision. 39. When I fail, I feel: a. Silently self-critical, yet verbally stubborn and defensive. b. Guilty, self-critical, and vulnerable to depression- I dwell on it. c. Nervous and fearful, but I keep it to myself. d. Secretly embarrassed and nervous, but escape the situation by making light of it.

13 40. If someone close to me really upsets me:
a. I am angered, and cunningly plan ways to get even quickly. b. I feel deeply hurt and find it almost impossible to forgive completely. c. I am silently hurt and plan to avoid the other person completely. d. I want to avoid confrontation, consider the situation not important enough to bother with, and/or seek other friends. 41. Work is: a. A most productive way to spend one’s time b. A healthy activity, which should be done right if it’s to be done at all. Work should be done before one plays c. A positive activity as long as it is something I enjoy and don’t feel pressured to accomplish d. A necessary evil 42. In social situations, I am most often: a. Feared by others b. Admired by others c. Protected by others d. Envied by others

14 43. In a relationship, I am most concerned with being:
a. Approved of and right b. Understood, appreciated, and intimate c. Respected, tolerant, and peaceful d. Praised, having fun, and feeling free 44. To feel alive and positive, I seek: a. Adventure, leadership, and productivity b. Security, creativity, and purpose c. Acceptance and safety d. Excitement, playful productivity, and the company of others 45. In a relationship, I am: a. Demanding, quick tempered, and/or uncompromising b. Sensitive but critical (quick to judge) c. Permissive and/or easily persuaded d. Playful, a teaser, and/or noncommitted

15 RED BLUE WHITE YELLOW Count the total number of A’s, B’s, C’s, and D’s
Example: A = 7 B = 3 C = 12 D = 23 Make sure the total adds up to 45! A B C D RED BLUE WHITE YELLOW

16 RED = POWER The Control Freak

17 MOTTOS “My way or the highway” “Follow me or get out of my way”

18 BLUE = Builds Relationships
The Compassionate One

19 MOTTOS “Love me or leave me alone” “Friends are family”

20 WHITE = PEACE The Quiet One

21 MOTTOS “I’d rather give in than get upset”
“People tell me I’m apathetic, but I don’t care.”

22 YELLOW= FUN The Wild One

23 MOTTOS “Where’s the party?”
“Hard work may not kill me, but why take the chance?” “Where’s the party?”

24 STRENGTHS Hardworking A leader A visionary
Completes every task started

25 WEAKNESSES Hides insecurities (tightly) Insensitive and selfish
Has a temper Tends to judge others

26 STRENGTHS Loyal Very caring Admired by others
Strong values and principles

27 WEAKNESSES Shows insecurities openly Holds grudges
Can be overly emotional Tends to be moody

28 STRENGTHS Peaceful Diplomatic Able to adapt to any situation
Doesn’t get upset (usually)

29 WEAKNESSES Withholds insecurities Withholds anger until explodes
Laziness Very shy

30 STRENGTHS Always happy Can turn work into fun Is very outgoing
Can be friends with any other personality

31 WEAKNESSES Irresponsible Has many uncompleted tasks
Has hard time keeping commitments Cannot always be trusted


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