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Civil Liberties Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Liberties Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Liberties Vocabulary
Coach Lott Unit 4

2 Human Rights Fundamental freedoms for everyone

3 Incorporation Process of extending one’s rights to the state and local governments.

4 Abridge Term that means to limit something

5 Slander False speech intended to damage a person’s reputation

6 Libel False written or published statements intended to damage a person’s reputation.

7 Prior Restraint Government censorship of information before it is published or broadcast

8 Naturalization Legal process in which a person is granted citizenship

9 Jus Soli Citizen because of where you were born.

10 Jus Sanguinis Citizen because of who you were born to

11 Expatriation Giving up one’s citizenship by leaving to live in a foreign country.

12 Counsel Legal representation

13 Discrimination To treat someone unfairly based on their race, gender, age, ethnicity, or religion.

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