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OOM-ONAP Portal Access without VNC

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1 OOM-ONAP Portal Access without VNC

2 1 Current OOM-ONAP Access – Portal
pwd: password ①Login VNC: ②open VNC’s firefox,login Portal ④Access components ③ Enter ONAP Portal

3 2 Hard to access portal and design service in VNC
Effects Multi-user will affect each other using the same account, must create an account for each user; Upload files while designing: local oom host VNC ONAP; Can’t copy configuration text into VNC, must type in VNC;

4 3 Access ONAP directly – Modify Portal login redirect url
Method 1: modify ONAPPORTAL congurations in container portalapps manully Login container portalapps Modify ONAPPORTAL/WEB-INF/conf/ vi /opt/apache-tomcat /webapps/ONAPPORTAL/WEB-INF/conf/ and set frontend_url= Restart Tomcat

5 3 Access ONAP directly – Modify Portal login redirect url
Method 2: Modified ONAPPORTAL redirect Url with OOM deployment scripts Modified portal\deliveries\properties_simpledemo\ONAPPORTAL\ before container started This file will cover the file in project “ecomp-portal-be-os” while install portal by docker- compose.yaml。 Modify this file before install portal and set frontend_url= Or, Modify oom\kubernetes\config\docker\init\src\config\portal\portal- fe\webapps\etc\ONAPPORTAL\, and copy into tomcat before started Modify oom\kubernetes\config\docker\init\src\config\portal\portal-fe\webapps\etc\ONAPPORTAL\ Cover /opt/apache-tomcat /webapps/ONAPPORTAL/WEB-INF/conf/ file before tomcat started.

6 4 Access ONAP directly – Add components external ports
Add external port mapping for components would be accessed through browser For example: Add A&AI UI definition modified oom\kubernetes\aai\templates\all-services.yaml,set sparky-be service as NodePort and config its ip and external port

7 5 Access ONAP directly – Modify components access url defination
Method 1: Manully modify components definition after ONAP deployed AAI Old URL: New URL: SDC Old URL: New URL: VID Old URL: New URL: Policy Old URL: New URL:

8 5 Access ONAP directly – Modify components access url defination
Method 2: Add OOM scripts to modify portal initialization sql file before container portalapps startup File location: portal\deliveries\Apps_Users_OnBoarding_Script.sql Modify the component applications’ urls, change the ports to external ports AAI URL: SDC URL: Policy URL: VID URL:

9 6 Access ONAP directly – Modify portal menu defination
Add OOM scripts to modify portal menu difination in initial sql file before container portalapps startup Portal menu is also defined in portal\deliveries\Apps_Users_OnBoarding_Script.sql file Modify the menu link urls, change the ports to external ports. (Should add external port first if the container linked not have external port )

10 7 Access ONAP directly – Config local hosts file
Config local hosts file and set all components routed to oom-host-ip For example:

11 8 Access ONAP directly Open ONAP portal directly from outside the VNC


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