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Knowing who you are and introducing yourself

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1 Knowing who you are and introducing yourself
Week 10 Knowing who you are and introducing yourself

2 Formal Opening Greeting
Interviewer Good Morning/Good Afternoon Interviewee How are you? Doing well. Thank you. Ready to begin. Yes.

3 What you will do during the quiz
Move seating so everyone is separated. The only thing on your desk is your pen or pencil. You are to only look at your paper. Do not look around, do NOT use cell phones, and do not talk to your neighbor After you finish, flip your paper back over and put your pencil down. Raise your hand and I will take your test. I will give you a Myers Briggs paper to work on until everyone is finished.

4 Word Bank Employee Maternity leave Employer Salary Apprentice Wage
Intern Sign a contract Full-time job  Resume Part-time job Cover letter Shift  Bonus Overtime  Occupation  Commission Profession  Medical benefits Earn your living  Application To get a raise “to be fired” Promotion 

5 Myers Briggs Test E- Extroverted S- Sensing T- Thinking J- Judging
I- Introverted N- Intuitive F- Feeling P- Perceiving

6 Personality Type ISTJ- The Duty Fulfiller ESTP- The Doer
ISTP- The Mechanic ESTJ- The Guardian ISFJ- The Nurturer ESFP- The Performer ISFP- The Artist ESFJ- The Caregiver INFJ- The Protector ENFP- The Inspirer INFP- The Idealist ENFJ- The Giver INTJ- The Scientist ENTP- The Visionary INTP- The Thinker ENTJ- The Executive

7 Preparing for Assessment 2
You need to be able to greet the interviewer. Give a short personal introduction giving personal details including: Name Age Education Major Skills Occupation Experience Family background Living situation Need to ask and answer typical interview questions. Need to talk about future goals and intentions. Finally be able to close the interview.

8 How the Assessment will be done:
There will be 20 minutes as an interviewer and 20 minutes as an interviewee. I will listen to each student for 1 minute. Do your best to speak well when I’m listening. Purpose: To assess the students’ interview skills Posture Eye contact Greeting Self-introduction Answers to interviewer questions Questions asked of the interviewer Closing

9 Grading 10 points Interview Skills- 6 points
General Communicative Ability- 2 points Participation- 2 Points

10 Interview Skills Firm/confident handshake Appropriate greeting
Self-introduction General interview questions Strengths/weaknesses question Scenario question Asked interviewer a question Appropriate closing

11 General Communicative Ability
(-1) Did not make eye contact/facial expression (-1) Volume too low (-1) Unclear speech

12 Participation 0 points- Did not meet expectations 1 point- Average
2 points- Exceptional

13 Practice Questions for Interviewer
Questions asked by the interviewee to the interviewer: Can you tell me more about the position? Yes, the position consists of… Is it a full-time or part-time job? It is a full-time job. What is the salary? The salary is 50,000 dollars a year. What are the hours? The hours are from 8am-5pm Monday through Friday. Are there opportunities for advancement? Promotions in this position only begin after six months of work. Do you offer medical benefits? Only to full-time employee’s. Do you offer maternity leave? Yes. Two months leave after the child is born.

14 Practice Questions for Interviewee
Tell me about yourself. Why do you want this job? What makes you the best choice for this company? What are your strengths? What is one of your weaknesses? Where do you see yourself in one year? Five years? Explain a time when you faced a stressful situation. What did you do?

15 Homework Prepare for Assessment 2
Study your notes and prepare answers to questions. Study the power point on the website Be prepared, this is an important grade. Next week we will learn a few new points and then we will begin the assessment. If you have any questions about the assessment at the beginning of next weeks class there will be time to ask. Be prepared, and good luck.

16 Formal Closing Interviewer Job candidate Thank you for your time.
It was my pleasure. We’ll be in touch. I look forward to hearing. Goodbye.

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