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Agnes Lunny OBE Chief Executive, Positive Futures

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Presentation on theme: "Agnes Lunny OBE Chief Executive, Positive Futures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agnes Lunny OBE Chief Executive, Positive Futures
A SPORTING CHANCE Agnes Lunny OBE Chief Executive, Positive Futures

2 Positive Futures Who are we? What do we do? Why are we Unique?

3 Our Mission ‘To provide opportunities for people of all ages with a learning disability to lead fuller and more valued lives. Central to our mission is the inclusion of the people we support in all aspects of our work’

4 What is a learning Disability?

5 Your Support Can Make A Real Difference
“I wouldn’t change a single thing about Positive Futures!. N has very few school friends and he was often left deliberately out of activities by other children. He lived in isolation. There was nothing I could do, I felt helpless. Positive Futures has changed us as a family for the better. It’s the best thing that’s happened to us. I just wish we could have had access to the service before the last 2 years.”

6 Your Support Can Make A Real Difference
“Now that I am on my own as a single parent I sometimes just don’t know how to cope. Positive Futures have taken a lot of the worry away and they have become my extended family. Nothing is too much for them.”

7 Together We Can Give People With A Learning Disability
The Chance – To Be Given A Chance

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