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Animal Nutrition Ch 41 notes.

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1 Animal Nutrition Ch 41 notes

2 Need to Feed Nutrition – Food being taken in, taken apart, taken up
Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore Must balance consumption, storage, and use of food

3 Essential Nutrients Animals must get basic building blocks through food – Macromolecules Essential nutrients – animal cells require but can’t make on their own – get from diet -Include amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals

4 Food Processing Ingestion – act of eating
Digestion – break down into small molecules to absorb (lots of enzymes used) Absorption – cells take up small molecules Elimination – undigested food goes out

5 Intracellular Digestion
Simplest compartment Cell engulfs food by phagocytosis Food vacuole hydrolyzes food using a lysosome Seen in sponges

6 Extraceullar Digestion
Most animals Compartment continuous with outside world Lets them eat bigger food

7 Gastrovascular Cavity
Single opening Used for digestion and distribution of food Digestive enzymes break up food, cells take it in and rest occurs intracellularly Cnidarians, Hydra

8 Complete Digestive Tract
Alimentary Canal Food moves in single direction Lots of special compartments

9 Mammalian Digestive System
Peristalsis – contraction and relaxation of muscles to move food through Sphincters – valves that open and close between compartments





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