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Psychotherapy Unit 12.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychotherapy Unit 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychotherapy Unit 12

2 Psychotherapy What is it? What is involved?
Psychiatrists vs. Psychologists Types Insight Behavior Biomedical Other

3 Insight Therapy Psychoanalysis therapies Psychodynamic therapies
Techniques (from Freud) Free association Dream Analysis Analyzing Resistance Analyzing Transference Interpretation Psychodynamic therapies

4 Insight Therapy Cognitive therapies Self-talk Cognitive Restructuring
Albert Ellis: Rational-Emotive Therapy A: Activating Event B: Belief System C: Consequence D: Disputing Aaron Beck Selective Perception Overgeneralization Magnification All-or-Nothing Thinking

5 Insight Therapy Humanistic Therapies
Carl Rogers: Client-centered therapy 1. Empathy 2. Unconditional positive regard 3. Genuineness 4. Active Listening Gestalt therapy Fritz Perls

6 Insight Therapy Group, Family, and Marital therapies Group
Advantages Self-help group Family and Marital

7 Behavioral Therapies Classical Conditioning Counterconditioning
Mary Cover Jones Systematic desensitization Joseph Wolpe Exposure techniques Flooding Aversion Therapy

8 Behavioral Therapies Operant Conditioning Observational Learning
Target Behavior Token Economy Shaping Aversion Therapy Observational Learning Modeling

9 Biomedical therapies Psychopharmacology Anti-anxiety drugs
Boost GABA Valium, Xanax Anti-psychotic drugs Block dopamine activity Haldol, Clozaril Thorazine – Tardive Dyskinesia Mood Stabilizers Lithium, Depakote Anti-depressants SSRI’s (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) Keep serotonin active in the synapse Tofranil, Nardil, Prozac, Buspar, Effexor

10 Biomedical therapies Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Psychosurgery

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