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What do you think about Donald Trump?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you think about Donald Trump?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you think about Donald Trump?
What do you think about school uniforms? What do you think about getting married? What do you think about Shinhan High School? What is more important, money or happiness? What do you think about life on other planets? What do you think about space missions to Mars? Is social media a safe place to talk? What do you think about raising taxes to get free health care? What do you think about homework? Should teachers take away phones at the start of class? Should boys and girls be taught in the same class? What do you think about using new technology in class? What do you think about eating healthily? Are there too many cars in Korea? Should the government provide free internet? What do you think about online gaming? What do you think about exercise? What do you think about winter? What do you think about alcohol? Is jail time too short in Korea?

2 What do you think about deforestation?
What do you think about cities getting larger? What do you think about global warming? What do you think about police in Korea? What do you think about selfies? What do you think about artificial intelligence (AI)? Will AI be smarter than humans? What do you think about cyber-bullying? What do you think about human cloning? Should we experiment on animals? What do you think about the death penalty? Should teachers force students to speak in class? Are video games appropriate for children? Should celebrities have different rules from regular people? Should athletes be allowed to use drugs to become better? Should we still have beauty contests? Should cigarettes be illegal? What do you think about zoos? What do you think about art? What do you think about littering? Is it ethical to keep pets?

3 What do you think about living in a city?
Are games good or bad for studying? Should we blame parents for misbehaving children? What would happen if all the electronics died today? What do you think about gay marriage? Is love really the most important thing? Is competition good? Do you believe in aliens? Do men have more advantages over women? What do you think about evolution? Is there life after death? If you got a free airplane ticket to anywhere in the world, where would you go? Should PE be taught in high school? How much should students be involved in teaching? Should all students receive the same education? What do you think about hagwans? Should students have a 1 hour sleep time after lunch? What do you think about sleeping students? Are people becoming fatter? Is it a bad thing? Is it wrong for teachers to give candy to students? Should we get rid of textbooks and just use online resources?

4 Should teachers be friends with students?
What do you think about security cameras in classrooms? Should English be a mandatory course? Does school start to early and go too late? When should you stop listening to your parents’ advice? Is it important to let teenager make their own decisions? Is freedom real? Do video games make people more violent? What do you think about smartphone zombies? Is it ok to cheat sometimes? When should children get their own phone? Should schools give rewards for high test scores? Can money buy happiness? Does school teach you the skills to be good at life? Who are better students, boys or girls? Would you feel guilty about killing a zombie? Do you trust the government? Is graffiti art? Should alcohol be illegal? Should education (even university) be free? Should Google collect data about you (metadata)?

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