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St. Pauls High School Media Center

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Presentation on theme: "St. Pauls High School Media Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 St. Pauls High School Media Center
Media Specialist: Mrs. Denise M. Locklear Media Assistant: Ms. Vickie Abbott Normal Operating Hours 7:30-3:30 (M-F) When Learning Center begins the media center will close at 4:15 PM each day of Learning Center. You must have note from a teacher to stay after for Learning Center in the library.

2 What’s in the Media Center?
Books (over 10,000 copies) Newspapers (The Robesonian, St. Pauls Review, Fayetteville Observer) Magazines or periodicals (25 titles) Various types of reference books Computers, Printers, Copier, Scanners Internet Mobile Laptop Carts: HP and Mac Various software programs: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher, Paint, MS Works, & more Videos teacher checkout

3 Use of Computers Must have a signed note from teacher
Sign in and out at the Circulation Desk Internet Agreement on file for Internet use Printing: black-10¢ per page, color-20¢ or more per page Copies: 10¢ per page Two scanners available to scan pictures or documents Ask for permission to use the teacher workstations When in doubt ask for help!

4 CIRCULATION Students in good standing may checkout 2 books at a time.
Books are checked out for 2 weeks. Books may be renewed if needed for a longer period. Fines are charged at a rate of 5¢ a day for each day a book is overdue. Reference books cannot be checked out. They must be used in the Media Center. Lost books must be paid for at replacement cost.

5 Supplies Available Note Cards $1.00/pack Erasers: 5¢ Paper: 1¢/sheet Pencils (wood:25¢ and mechanical: 50¢) Vending machines for pens and pencils are located outside the front door of the media center. Pens: 25¢

6 What is DESTINY? Destiny is the online catalog for the school’s media center. It helps you to locate books within the media center. You can search for books in several ways: keyword, title, author, subject or series. You will be able to see if the book is available or not.

7 Where is DESTINY located?
You can use Destiny from any place you are able to get on the Internet. At school you can locate Destiny by going to start, school menu and then click on Destiny. Select St. Pauls High School and begin to search for books. From home go to Click on the Media Center tab. From the media center page click on Destiny on the left and follow the link at the bottom of the page.

8 FICTION BOOKS Fiction books are made-up stories from the author’s imagination and are not true. They are shelved according to the author’s last name in alphabetical order. Call number for fiction books: FIC + first three letters of author’s last name (FIC MEY) If an author has several books on the shelf, the books are then put in order by the title.

9 NON-FICTION BOOKS Nonfiction books are based on factual information.
They are arranged on the shelf according to their Dewey number. Call number for nonfiction books: Dewey number + 1st three letters of the author’s last name or title if the book does not have an author: AND

10 REFERENCE BOOKS Nonfiction: based on facts
Shelved separate from other nonfiction Placed on shelf according to Dewey number Call number for reference books: REF + Dewey number + 1st three letters of author’s last name or title if book does not have an author: REF 031 WOR Checked out to use in Media Center only: cannot take home Examples: encyclopedias, dictionaries, other specialty books

11 Dewey Decimal Classification System
It is a system used to arrange and place nonfiction books in numerical order on the shelf by subject. It was developed by Melvil Dewey (a librarian) in 1876 to bring about organization in a library and make shelving and locating books easier. It consists of ten categories in intervals of 100 with each category being a different subject. Begins with and ends with The more numbers there are after the decimal the more specific the subject. Categories Generalities Philosophy & Psychology Religion Social Sciences Language Science Technology Arts and Recreation Literature History & Geography

12 Dewey Decimal Classification System
Categories Generalities Philosophy & Psychology Religion Social Sciences Language Science Technology Arts and Recreation Literature History & Geography Biographies

13 TYPES of DICTIONARIES Abridged means shortened.
An abridged dictionary does not contain all the words and definitions that an unabridged dictionary contains, but it is much easier to carry around.

14 The title page is one of the first pages in a book.
It usually tells the title, author, and the publisher of the book.

15 The copyright date tells the year the book was printed.

16 The spine of the book holds the pages together.

17 The call number is like the book’s address
The call number is like the book’s address. It tells where the book lives in the library. The call number is printed on the spine of the book.

18 The barcode is the book’s number in the computer
The barcode is the book’s number in the computer. It is read with a scanner. It begins with a T and usually is a five-digit (or more) number with the library name printed on the label.

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