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Results of the 2014 donor survey

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1 Results of the 2014 donor survey
MGSC March 2014 Point 9.1 of the Agenda Marius Andersen and Siv Irene Pedersen

2 Purpose of the donor survey
Allow better planning of assistance in the field of statistics Coordination: Avoid overlap of projects Create more transparency for donors More predictability for beneficiary Easier to prioritise for the NSIs Benefit from experience of other projects

3 How do we collect data? Eurostat and UNECE prepare
Eurostat responsible for letters, questionnaires UNECE translate questionnaires and responses : Letters and questionnaires sent (15.12.) : 1st reminder (7.1.) : 2nd reminder (14.1.) January: Data cleaning and matching of projects : Consolidated questionnaires (28.1.) January/February: Request for missing information Our use of the donor survey

4 Responses in the Donor Survey
2013 2014 Contacted Responses Donors 72 48 83 50 Enlargement 9 8 EECCA 11

5 Some new features of the 2014 donor survey
Croatia becoming an EU Member State – still included as receiving technical assistance New donors identified last year included More large projects with small statistical components More large borderline projects

6 About the donor survey Data from donors and beneficiaries
Completed: Completed in 2013 or January 2014 On-going: On-going in February-March 2014 Planned: Start April 2014 or later Older projects deleted Projects with no amount not included in tables Some projects include non-statistical components Missing information in some projects









15 Final report Draft report Comments by April 07, 2014
Final report made available to contributors by and in circabc by the end of April 2014

16 Some questions How to treat large projects with small statistical components? Not include them? Reduce amount if possible? Include them fully? What kind of overall variables should be collected? How do you use the donor survey? How can we improve the donor survey? How can we promote the donor survey better?

17 Thank you for your attention

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