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Leading on Pupil premium in the first year of headship
Cheryl Walker Lockwood Primary School
After 10 months of an acting headship…
From the starting blocks…
Context Profile and understanding of PP across school. AUDIT: Strengths Quality First Teaching Experiential & enrichment aspects of provision for PP (residential visits, curriculum enrichment through visitors/experts). Creating stability around the child (counselling service, Learning Mentor, emotional well being of pupils). From the starting blocks…
Initial Audit: What? (what do we want to achieve?)
Raise achievement of all groups of pupils with a particular focus on PP children. Rigorous education plans with timely actions and interventions to enable pupils to overcome barriers identified. Greater understanding of barriers to learning. Impact of plans measured against attainment/ progress milestones. Effective utilisation of Quality First teaching, highly skilled Learning Support Assistants. Rigour in tracking, monitoring & evaluating pupil progress- aspirational progress targets for all. Greater focus on the monitoring of groups of pupils, PP, G&T, SEND and other ‘groups’ or individuals (according to individual cohorts’ needs). Sustain high achievement for all pupils, including PP, over time.
At Lockwood we prioritise above all else:
Non-negotiable high ambition for the performance of all groups Expectations that are not diluted by family or social context. Relentless pursuit of high achievement for all groups of pupils. Aspirational targets and milestones for all pupils, with timely intervention, challenge and support to ensure pupils are equipped to reach their potential, Why?: The shared Vision Children do not arrive at school intrinsically unable to learn if disadvantaged, many are G&T. For those who need support, the gap is cumulative. Only schools can do something about it! Evaluation: Do we have the same expectations for disadvantaged pupils as other pupils? Evaluation: Do all staff know who PP children are? How do all staff impact on progress?
How? Drive Direction Maintain momentum Sustain focus
Plan, do, review impact. Solutions to barriers Leadership: non-negotiable ambition for all pupils Pupil Progress Reviews: Lockwood RAPs Pupil progress tracked half termly- discussion notes on tracker. New plan termly- mapping intervention, support or challenge needs to overcome identified barriers or pupil needs. Groups identified according to cohorts identified needs. Effective use of Learning Support Assistants and shared expertise. Autumn- RAP linked with Learning Contracts Spring- Milestone progress & targets reviewed each half term. Summer- Transition plans shared through dialogue with T and TAs. Establish intervention, support and challenge needs - end of July. Effective Performance Management for all staff TAs: Lesson study & coaching; quality CPD ( Numicon, Reading Recovery Reciproval Reading) Effective use of Middle Leaders. Involvement in AfA project
Identified barriers & actions impacting on learning
Attendance: New Attendance Incentive (designed by School Council) Parental engagement and support: Family Learning events; Homework Club; Learning Contracts and parents meetings. Creating stability around the child - understanding the educational and emotional barriers to learning, gaining the trust and confidence of vulnerable families: Counselling service, also providing drop-ins for parents; pupil voice through school councils; Parent Voice monthly meetings. Develop pupils’ sense of achievement through wider outcomes- OE Mentors; Brass instruction; Hall of fame; Celebration assemblies; RRSA ambassadors etc. Maths Interventions (CPD needed): Numicon; Number Blast; My Maths: Power of 2/ Plus1; Action Research - Singapore Maths. Poor Language Development- close work with S&L with Key staff member working closely with therapist; parent workshops. Parenting Skills Support- EYFS Attendance and Welfare Early Intervention Project. PP focussed Staff Meetings, book scrutinies and Progress Reviews.
Next? Build on work this year- improve RAP format, embed practice shared (PP Champions). Detailed Plans for PP funding- learning from best practice, eg: Pakeman Primary, schools across the ECCLT, Redcar and Cleveland and other LEAs. Exploration of Pen Portrait Plans for PP children. Small group teaching: EYFS Nurture Teacher. Book and a Bite Continue to develop ML & deploy staff where skills set match cohort needs. TAs & Governors more actively involved in PP book scrutinies. AfA ‘Achieving More’: build on work carried out this year to ensure effective feedback and marking across all subjects.
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