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The EU Business and Biodiversity Initiative

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1 The EU Business and Biodiversity Initiative
Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity & Nature 10 April 2008

2 MS and COM action on Business and Biodiversity
2006 BAP action to build stronger partnerships with business, including the financial sector (re: CBD COP decision VIII/17) Several MS have national actions (e.g. DE, FR, NL, PT, UK etc.) 2006-7: COM-funded contract on piloting Biodiversity Technical Assistance Units in 3 new MS to work with pro-biodiversity businesses, mainly SMEs 2007: Consultations leading to November Conference in Lisbon under Portuguese Presidency: forum to share experience and expertise on how best to engage business -> „MESSAGE FROM LISBON”


4 EU initiative on B@B Build on the foundation of the Lisbon Conference
Complement ongoing actions at international and national level Build on EU-level added value (Natura 2000, community policies, catalysis of national action) Give recognition to business for sustainable entrepreneurial activity for biodiversity Support medium-long term partnerships Set up a technical platform / facility to assist the initiative > technical support facility

5 Role of technical facility: to work with interested business sectors and other stakeholders to (e.g.) Promote awareness of biodiversity protection Bench-mark best practices Provide guidance (e.g. Natura 2000, eco-tourism, labelling, HNV etc.) Develop monitoring, recording mechanisms Develop an award system to recognise outstanding contribution

6 2008 & onwards Set up technical facility: call for tender for a service contract (operational before end 2008) Continue dialogue with a number of priority sectors and build synergies with other BAP activities, e.g. BAP workplan action #8 (estuaries and ports) and #9 (non-energy extractive industries), the financial sector, tourism, agriculture Maximize value of results of contract on Biodiversity Technical Assistance Units to input to Support /engage international events (CBD COP9, Bonn), IUCN WCC (Barcelona)

7 EU Biodiversity Policy & partnerships: The Message from Lisbon:
Useful links EU Biodiversity Policy & partnerships: The Message from Lisbon: BTAU project:

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