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2 NEURON Neuron – brain cell that receives and transmits electrical signals throughout the nervous system. Neurons control: 1. muscle movement, 2. digestion 3. engage us in thinking, dreaming, and remembering.

3 PARTS OF THE NEURON Dendrites: Receive messages from other neurons
Cell Body: Contains the nucleus Nucleus: Contains chromosomes

4 PARTS OF THE NEURON Axon: takes messages away from the cell body
Myelin: white fatty substance that protects the axon and speeds messages along Node of Ranvier: gaps in the myelin

5 PARTS OF THE NEURON Axon Terminals: sends messages to the dendrites of the next neuron Synapse: space between the neurons

6 NEUROTRANSMITTERS specialize in transmitting information between neurons Acetylcholine (ACh) involved in learning, memory, and muscle movement People with Alzheimer’s often have trouble with Ach transmission. :

7 NEUROTRANSMITTERS high levels = Schizophrenia
Dopamine: impacts our arousal and mood states, thought processes, and physical movement Low levels = Parkinson’s high levels = Schizophrenia

8 NEUROTRANSMITTERS 1. pain perception 2. pain relief
Endorphins: are a group of neurotransmitters that are involved in: 1. pain perception 2. pain relief Serotonin: is involved in arousal and mood, and plays a major role in mood disorders such as depression

9 NEUROTRANSMITTERS GABA: Gamma-aminobutyric acid: is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the nervous system Lack of GABA may contribute to epileptic seizures

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