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The other side of Progress…ive

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1 The other side of Progress…ive

2 Progressives and Minorities
Progressives did not choose to challenge discrimination and racism because many of them held the same beliefs.

3 African Americans’ struggles North South
Leave the south for northern cities Poverty Discrimination Segregation Competed with immigrants for jobs Laws requiring racial segregation Leave farms and move to southern cities Racial segregation Discrimination Jim Crow laws Segregation in every facility open to the public

4 Plessy vs. Ferguson-1896 Supreme Court case that ruled separate but equal was constitutional Affected schools, trains, hotels and every other public facility

5 New Era of Black Leadership
Booker T. Washington Started Tuskegee Institute AA should work hard and earn respect of community and whites Economic success over racial equality Accept Jim Crow Laws

6 W.E.B. Du Bois “The Problem of the 20th century will be one of the color Line.”
Helped found NAACP AA should demand equality Winning equality was in voting, not skills Voting would help gain political influence to end lynchings, get better schools, and end white domination.

7 Progress Due to Activism of Du Bois and others illiteracy rates among African Americans were cut in half without Progressives help.

8 Teddy Roosevelt Racist Belief in Eugenics
Said, “Now as to the Negro! I entirely agree with you that as a race and in the mass ( they are altogether inferior to white.”

9 Melting Pot Image created to show how well immigrants assimilated into society. Learn the language and adopt the culture. Does not reflect the hardship, discrimination, most felt




13 Dealing with immigrants and the “undesirable.”
Nativism Favoring those people born here over those foreign born. Fear of other religions, radicals, ethnicities

14 Eugenics Effort to improve the human race by controlling breeding.
Forced sterilization for people with mental problems, crime, poverty, and promiscuity in their backgrounds. Focus on strength of White Anglo-Saxon from Northern Europe Inferior- Southern Europeans, Jews, Asians, African Americans, Slavs and Eastern Europeans Becomes policy in some states Isn’t this supposed to be the U.S.?????????

15 What people, governments, or current issues does the Eugenics movement remind you of?
Adolph Hitler adopts U.S. sterilization practices - Final Solution, killing of mentally ill, Jews, etc… for racial purity Nazi Germany Current Issues Cloning Abortion Designer Babies Genetic selection

16 Immigration Restrictions
1882- No Chinese 1903- limit radicals 1907- limit Japanese 1917- limit those over 16 who couldn’t pass a literacy test More severe restrictions in the 1920s

17 Helping each other out Immigrants start organization to help with funerals, sick care Newspapers Athletic clubs and theater groups Church help Help new arrivals-those of same language and culture Progressive ideas in conflict with traditions

18 Labor struggles into the 1900s
,000 miners strike in Maryland, Arbitration brings strike to an end by Teddy Roosevelt 1912- Textile strike- Police beat 40 hungry striker’s children Ludlow Massacre- 2 women and 11 children dead after state militia burns tent village of strikers (Rockefeller mine)

19 IWW Industrial Workers of the World
Unskilled labor such as miners, lumberjacks, migrant farmers Want to unite all workers of the world Confront owners rather than fight political battles

20 Legacy of the Progressives
The Progressive influence was felt in the government of the early 1900s and is still felt today with the government regulation of business and other industries. Government is involved in trying to protect this country from unfair practices in different areas of the economy and public life.





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