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Mrs. Morano’s Pre-K News

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1 Mrs. Morano’s Pre-K News
Week of October 12, 2018 This week’s theme: The people in our family. ELA Math Our trade book for the week was Quinito Day & Night by Ina Cumpiano & Jose Ramirez. It’s a book that uses describing words (adjectives) to introduce and tell about family members. Our vocabulary words for the week were: brother, family, father, grandparent, mother, and sister. In math we began to talk about more than, less than, and the same (equal). The children made groups of four and then compared them to other groups of four and five objects. Handwriting Our letter of the week is letter H. We have been practicing writing the letter H as well as thinking of words that start with the /h/ sound Science We discussed personal safety and ways to keep ourselves and others safe. For example: If we cough or sneeze, we should cover our mouth. We should always wash our hands before eating or after using the bathroom. We never put anything except food in our mouths. If something is on the floor, such as a piece of paper, pick it up so we don’t slip and fall. Social Studies We discussed the describing words found in this week’s trade book, such as neat, messy, fast, slow, tall, and short. Then we discussed how some of these traits could apply to our families. Next, we made a T chart comparing how families are the same and how they are different. Religion . News & Reminders Congratulations to Mrs. Carson! She has been chosen as our class parents. Thank you for volunteering! I am looking forward to her assistance this year.  Next Wednesday, October 17th, is the dress down fundraiser. Please send a dollar in an envelope marked clearly “Dress Down Day” with your child’s name and mine on the envelope if your child is participating. In Religion we learned that God gave us helpers. We also learned that Jesus helps us by teaching us how to love God. We talked about people in the community who have helped us such as doctors, the mailman, the sales clerk at the store, the priest in our church and the teacher at school. The children then made an award card to thank someone who has helped them.

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