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Unit 2: The Constitution A System of Checks and Balances

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1 Unit 2: The Constitution A System of Checks and Balances
Hey I’m Watching You! Unit 2: The Constitution A System of Checks and Balances

2 Division of Powers Federalism-
System of Gov’t in which power is divided Division of powers National vs. State

3 Federal System

4 System of Checks and Balances
Government is split into three branches. Legislative Executive Judicial Is anyone more powerful than the other?

5 Insurance from anyone becoming to powerful.
Congress writes laws President can veto (say no) Congress can over ride veto with 2/3 majority Supreme Court – judicial review – can say law is unconstitutional

6 Checks on Executive Over Ride Veto Approve Funding Impeach President Confirms Federal Appointments Checks on Judicial Establishes lower courts Confirms/ rejects judges Impeach Judges Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch Checks on Legislative Veto Bills Call special sessions. Influence public opinion Propose legislation Checks on Judicial Appoints judges Power to Pardon Checks on Executive Appointed for life Can declare acts unconstitutional Checks on Legislative Decide meaning of law. Can declare acts unconstitutional

7 The Electoral College Each state gets a certain number of electors.
Senators+ House Reps= Electors. >270 How should it be determined who gets to vote? Fearful of the uneducated What happens if no one gets a majority? 1800 and 1824

8 Has it become outdated? Who do you think won?

9 Take a closer Look

10 How much does your vote count for?

11 Swing States 2012

12 Swing States

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