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TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract Problems and Hypotheses

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2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract Problems and Hypotheses
Background of the Study Variables Methodology Data Presentation Analysis of Data Conclusion Closure Sources 

3 ABSTRACT Problem: muscle pain due to heavy bags
Project: postural analysis- shoulder-shoulder and shoulder-hip angles Results: angles increase as bag mass increases Note: greater change in angles in lighter subjects Effect: inform students of ideal load weight

1. How does bag mass affect the shoulder-shoulder angle? If the mass increases, so will the angle. 2. How does bag mass affect the shoulder-hip angle? 3. How does the subject's mass affect the angles?  If the mass increases, angles will decrease.

5 BACKGROUND Shoulder-supported bags are commonly used by students
Carrying beyond safe load-bearing (5-10% of body mass) prevalent in adolescent students  Bags may induce postural deficiencies Study aims to provide information for musculoskeletal well-being of bag-users

6 VARIABLES Independent: Total bag mass, Weight of subject
Dependent: Shoulder-shoulder angle, Shoulder-hip angle Constant: Type of bag, Type of weight, Type of postural analysis grid, Position of feet

7 Neutral position with marked joints
METHODOLOGY The subject was weighed. The postural analysis grid (PAG) was posted. Control setup: subject stood in a neutral position with no bag. Shoulder-shoulder and hip-shoulder angles were measured using arctangent functions. Neutral position with marked joints

8 Experimental setup (shoulder-hip)
METHODOLOGY Experimental setup: subject stood in a neutral position with a bag weighing 3 kg, 6 kg and 9 kg. The shoulder-shoulder and hip-shoulder angles were measured using arctangent functions.  Twenty test subjects were taken. Experimental setup (shoulder-hip)

9 DATA PRESENTATION The graph shows that as the weight of the bag increases, so does the shoulder-shoulder angle.

10 DATA PRESENTATION The graph shows that as the weight of the bag increases, so does the shoulder-hip angle.

11 DATA PRESENTATION The graph shows that as the weight of the subject increases, the shoulder-shoulder angle decreases.

12 DATA PRESENTATION The graph shows that as the weight of the subject increases, the shoulder-hip angle decreases.

13 ANALYSIS As mass increases, so does the weight.
The shoulder muscle and bone shift downward and forward. This compensates for a change in the center of gravity. Equilibrium is achieved. Law of Acceleration (F=ma)

14 CONCLUSION Weight matters in postural differences Further research:
- Bag: Heavier bag, greater change - Body mass: Heavier subject, less change Further research: - More precise measuring instruments for better data quality - Observe changes in muscle activity as well

15 CLOSURE Heavy backpacks can ruin a student’s body.
What are you going to do about it?

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