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Algebra II – Pacing Guide

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1 Algebra II – Pacing Guide 2017-2018
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 3 4 7 First Day of School Unit 1 Pre Assessment 8 Review: Solve Quadratic Equations in One Variable (Four Methods) A.REI.4, 4b 9 10 Extend the Properties of Exponents to Rational Exponents N.RN.1 11 Rewrite Expressions involving Radicals & Rational Exponents using Properties of Exponents N.RN.2 14 Review: Extend the Properties of Exponents to Rational Exponents N.RN.1-2 15 Define & Identify Standard Form of a Complex Number and Perform Arithmetic Operations N.CN.1-2 16 Perform Arithmetic Operations with Complex Numbers N.CN.2 17 18 Use the Conjugate of a Complex Number to find the Quotient of Complex Numbers N.CN.3 21 22 23 Solve Real-Coefficient Quadratic Equations yielding Complex Solutions by Square Roots N.CN.7 24 25 28 Solve Real-Coefficient Quadratic Equations yielding Complex Solutions by Completing the Square N.CN.7 29 30 31 Solve Real-Coefficient Quadratic Equations yielding Complex Solutions by Quadratic Formula N.CN.7 District Professional Learning Pre Planning Unit 1: Quadratics Revisited Unit 1: Quadratics Revisited Unit 1: Quadratics Revisited Revised March 2017 Unit 1: Quadratics Revisited

2 Algebra II – Pacing Guide 2017-2018
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Solve Real-Coefficient Quadratic Equations yielding Complex Solutions by Quadratic Formula N.CN.7 4 5 Extend Polynomial Identities to Include Factoring with Complex Numbers N.CN.8 6 7 Review Standards **Culminating Task** 8 Unit 1 Post Assessment 11 Unit 2 Pre Assessment 12 Perform Arithmetic Operations on Polynomials & Prove they are Closed under Operations A.APR.1 13 14 Rewrite Rational Expressions: Quotients of Polynomials using Inspection or Long Division A.APR.6 15 18 Know & Apply Binomial Theorem using Pascal’s Triangle A.APR.5 19 20 Build a Function that Models a Relationship between Two Quantities F.BF.1 21 Perform Arithmetic operations on Polynomials in Contextual Situations F.BF.1, 1b 22 Compose Functions f(g(x)) = f∘g and g(f(x)) = g∘f F.BF.1c 25 Find Inverse Functions & Verify Functions are Inverses of One Another F.BF.4, 4a-b 26 27 Read Values of an Inverse Function from a Table or Graph F.BF.4c 28 29 Unit 2 Post Assessment Unit 1 Labor Day Holiday Unit 1: Quadratics Revisited Unit 2: Operations with Polynomials Unit 2: Operations with Polynomials Revised March 2017 Unit 2: Operations with Polynomials

3 Algebra II – Pacing Guide 2017-2018
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 Unit 3 Pre Assessment 3 Interpret Expressions that Represent a Quantity in Context A.SSE.1 4 Interpret Terms, Factors, & Coefficients in Context A.SSE.1a-b 5 Factor Polynomials based on Structure of the Expression A.SSE.2 6 9 10 11 Prove Polynomial Identities & use to Describe Numerical Identities A.APR.4 12 Use the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra to Find All Roots of a Polynomial Equation N.CN.9 13 16 Know and Apply Remainder Theorem (may use Synthetic Division) A.APR.2 17 18 Interpret Key Characteristics of a Polynomial Function: Intercepts and End Behavior F.IF.4 19 Identify Zeros of Polynomial by Factoring & Construct Rough Graph A.APR.3 20 Interpret Key Characteristics of a Polynomial Function: Relative and Absolute Extrema & Symmetries 23 Interpret Key Characteristics of a Polynomial Function: Intervals of Increase & Decrease (Concavity) 24 Interpret Key Characteristics of a Polynomial Function and Graph by Hand and by Technology F.IF.4, 7, 7c 25 26 27 30 Review Standards **Culminating Task** 31 Unit 3 Post Assessment Unit 3: Polynomial Functions District Professional Learning Columbus Day Unit 3: Polynomial Functions Unit 3: Polynomial Functions Unit 3: Polynomial Functions Revised March 2017 Unit 3: Polynomial Functions

4 Algebra II – Pacing Guide 2017-2018
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 3 6 7 8 Unit 4 Pre Assessment 9 Perform Algebraic Expressions on Rational Expressions A.APR.7 10 13 14 Understand Rational Expressions are Closed under Algebraic Operations 15 Interpret Key Characteristics of Rational Functions: Zeros when Suitable Factorizations Occur F.IF.4, 7, 7d 16 Interpret Key Characteristics of Rational Functions & Graph: End Behavior 17 Interpret Key Characteristics of Rational Functions & Graph: Identify Domain in Context F.IF.4, 5, 7, 7d 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 Interpret Key Characteristics of Rational Functions & Graph by Hand and by Technology 29 30 Buffer Week – Assessment, Enrichment, & Remediation Buffer Week – Assessment, Enrichment, & Remediation Unit 4: Rational and Radical Relationships Veterans Day Unit 4: Rational and Radical Relationships Thanksgiving Holiday Revised March 2017 Unit 4: Rational and Radical Relationships

5 Algebra II – Pacing Guide 2017-2018
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Interpret Key Characteristics of Rational Functions & Graph by Hand and by Technology F.IF.4, 5, 7, 7d 4 Graph Square Root, Cube Root, & Piecewise-Defined Functions (Step & Absolute Functions) F.IF.7b 5 6 7 8 11 Create Rational Equations & Inequalities in One Variable A.CED.1 12 Create Rational Equations & Inequalities in One Variable & use to Solve Problems 13 14 Create Rational Equations in Two Variables & Graph A.CED.2 15 18 Solve Simple Rational & Radical Equations in One Variable Noting Extraneous Solutions if Applicable A.REI.2 19 20 Review Standards **Culminating Task** 21 Unit 4 Post Assessment 22 25 26 27 28 29 Unit 4 Unit 4: Rational and Radical Relationships Unit 4: Rational and Radical Relationships Unit 4: Rational and Radical Relationships Christmas/Winter Break Revised March 2017 Christmas/Winter Break

6 Algebra II – Pacing Guide 2017-2018
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 Unit 5 Pre Assessment 10 Use Properties of Exponents to Interpret & Transform Exp. Exponential Growth/Decay A.SSE.3, 3c F.IF.8, 8b 11 12 15 16 Graph Functions Expressed Algebraically with Key Features by Hand and by Technology F.IF.7 17 18 19 22 23 24 Understand Inverse Relationship between Exponents and Logarithms & Solve Problems F.BF.5 25 26 29 30 31 Graph Exponential & Logarithmic Functions with Intercepts & End Behavior F.IF.7e Christmas/Winter Break Professional Learning School Based Unit 5: Exponential and Logarithms MLK Holiday Unit 5: Exponential and Logarithms Unit 5: Exponential and Logarithms Revised March 2017 Unit 5: Exponential and Logarithms

7 Algebra II – Pacing Guide 2017-2018
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Graph Exponential & Logarithmic Functions with Intercepts & End Behavior F.IF.7e 2 5 6 7 Solve Exponential Equations where Base b is 2, 10, or e and Evaluate Logs with Technology F.LE.4 8 9 12 13 Review Standards **Culminating Task** 14 Unit 5 Post Assessment 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 Unit 6 Pre Assessment 27 Derive the Formula for the Sum of a Finite Geometric Series & use to Solve Problems A.SSE.4 28 Unit 5: Exponential and Logarithms Unit 5: Exponential and Logarithms Unit 5: Exponential and Logarithms Buffer Week – Assessment, Enrichment, & Remediation President’s Day Professional Learning School Based Buffer Week – Assessment, Enrichment, & Remediation Revised March 2017 Unit 6: Mathematical Modeling

8 Algebra II – Pacing Guide 2017-2018
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Derive the Formula for the Sum of a Finite Geometric Series & use to Solve Problems A.SSE.4 2 Create, Graph, & Solve Linear, Quadratic, & Exponential Equa/Ineq in One & Two Variables A.CED.1-2 5 6 Represent & Graphically Solve Systems of Equa/Ineq with Possible Constraints A.CED.3 / A.REI.11 7 8 Solve Literal Equations A.CED.4 9 Interpret Functions that arise in Applications in Terms of the Context F.IF.6, 9 12 13 Build New Functions from Existing Function. Use Technology & Identify Even/Odd F.BF.3 14 15 Review Standards **Culminating Task** 16 Unit 6 Post Assessment 19 20 21 22 23 26 Unit 7 Pre Assessment 27 Use Statistics Appropriate to Shape, Spread, & Center to Compare Two or More Data Sets S.ID.2 28 29 30 Unit 6: Mathematical Modeling Unit 6: Mathematical Modeling Unit 6: Mathematical Modeling Buffer Week – Assessment, Enrichment, & Remediation Revised March 2017 Unit 7: Inferences and Conclusions from Data Easter Holiday

9 Algebra II – Pacing Guide 2017-2018
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 Use Statistics Appropriate to Shape, Spread, & Center to Compare Two or More Data Sets S.ID.2 11 12 Calculate Normal Distribution of a Data Set & Estimate Population Percentages S.ID.4 13 16 Use Technology and/or Tables to Estimate Areas Under the Normal Curve 17 18 Understand and Evaluate Random Processes Underlying Statistical Experiments S.IC.1-2 19 20 23 Make Inferences and Justify Conclusions from Sample Surveys, Experiments, and Observational Studies S.IC.3, 6 24 25 26 27 30 Estimate a Population Mean or Proportion using a Margin of Error S.IC.4 Spring Break Spring Break Unit 7: Inferences and Conclusions from Data Unit 7: Inferences and Conclusions from Data Unit 7: Inferences and Conclusions from Data Revised March 2017 Unit 7

10 Algebra II – Pacing Guide 2017-2018
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Estimate a Population Mean or Proportion using a Margin of Error S.IC.4 2 3 4 7 Compare Two Data Sets using Different Parameters & Determine Significance S.IC.5 8 9 10 Review Standards **Culminating Task** 11 Unit 7 Post Assessment 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 June 1 Unit 7: Inferences and Conclusions from Data Unit 7: Inferences and Conclusions from Data Unit 8: Exam Review Exam Week Revised March 2017 Memorial Day Post Planning/Graduation

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