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ELL3044 Practical Business English 실용 비즈니스 영어

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1 ELL3044 Practical Business English 실용 비즈니스 영어

2 Warmup Questions 1. Have you written a resume (in English)? 2. Should you have different resumes for different jobs? 3. How long is a typical resume? 4. What’s the difference between a CV and a resume? 5. What should a resume contain (which headings)? What should you include and exclude?

3 What’s a resume? A resume is a one page summary of your skills, education, and experience. The resume acts much like an advertisement for a company trying to sell something. The resume is your advertisement. You must spend a lot of time creating, proofreading, editing, and perfecting your resume. A resume is one of the most important pieces of writing you will ever create. Make sure to tailor your resume to a specific job; don’t use just 1 generic resume.

4 How long do employers typically look at a resume?
A. under 30 seconds B. 30 seconds to 1 minute C. 1-3 minutes If you answered “A”, you are correct. Employers often receive hundreds of resumes for a single position. They do not have time to read over every word on each one.

5 What should be included in a resume?
Heading - Your heading should include the essential personal information. Your formal name (not nickname) should appear at the top and it should stand out above all else on the paper. You want them to remember who you are in less than 30 seconds (sometimes only 10 seconds). Also include your address, phone number, address and any other contact information.

6 Scott Findlay Heading 455 Maple Street Toronto, On L9T 2X7
455 Maple Street ● Toronto, On

7 Contact Info: Be Professional

8 No photos necessary! In the West, it’s discriminatory to give a person a job based on their appearance therefore, you don’t need to add a photo. Also…NO birthday, religion, parents’ jobs

9 What should be included in a resume?
Objective (statement) also called “Career Objective” Employers often say this is the most important part of a resume. It is generally a one/two sentence explanation of the type of job you are seeking and your goals.

10 What jobs do these following objectives match?
To gain employment in an environment where I can motivate and instruct students. To obtain a sales position and increase competition and innovation in a large, competitive organization. To use my skills, knowledge and ability effectively use for human relations, project management, and staff recruitment.

11 Objective Statement Google “(your job) resume objective statement samples” for ideas how to write your objective statement. Each job requires a different objective statement. Spend a lot of time on how to express yourself properly to find the best objective statement. What follows the objective statement?

12 What should be included in a resume?
Education – As most student have a lot of educational experience but limited work experience many students choose to start their resume with the category ‘education’ rather than ‘employment history’. It is your decision which category you wish to begin with. As your work experience grows, you may want to switch them as time goes by. Education – If you are a university student, should you include elementary, middle & high school? Include: name of your university, city, major, years you attended & expected date of graduation. Optional: relevant courses

13 Education Chonnam National University Gwangju, South Korea
Expected graduation date February 2021 Major in Business Administration Chonnam National University, South Korea, – present Bachelor of Engineering, Major: Electrical Engineering Courses include: Advanced Math, Advanced Elec. Eng., English language

14 Education Chonnam National University March 2018 ~ current
Gwangju, South Korea Major in French Relevant courses include: Business English, Accounting and Advanced Math Bachelor of Arts, English Language and Literature Chonnam National University - Gwangju March 2016 – Present Bachelor of Business Administration Seoul National University – Seoul, S. Korea March 2018 – December 2021

15 What should be included in a resume?
Experience (Also called “Work Experience” or “Employment Experience” or “Employment History”) This section include: relevant past jobs, company names, company’s location, your title/position, dates you worked & responsibilities. You should include at least two/three one-line descriptions of what your job duties and responsibilities were. You cannot assume that the job title explains what you did to all readers.

16 Should I use complete sentences when describing jobs?
No. Use action phrases instead. Leave out unnecessary words. Try to match your skills and experience with the employer's needs. I increased membership in our club Increased membership in English speaking club from 35 to 85 new members

17 Experience Hartwell Engineering, 2017 - present Secretary
New York City, New York Coordinate meetings, managed schedules Greet and responded to clients Design electronic file organizing system Write reports and letters from handwritten notes

18 Experience Cashier Costco – Daejon (2016 – 2017)
Offered excellent customer service to promote the business Kept checkout line clean and maintain organized displays Possessed exceptional math skills Trained new cashiers

19 I don’t have much experience?
Use your volunteer experience Use internship experience Use experience you’ve had in school clubs

20 Stable Employment Employers will look at how long you have been at a job and how stable are you? If you are always getting a new job year after year it could be a sign that you won’t stay too long at your current position. You don’t need to list every job you had. List the most relevant jobs

21 What should be included in a resume?
Activities - Employers like to see people who have been involved in school or community activities. In this section, list special activities you participated in (student council, volunteer work) and organizations you joined (drama club, baseball team, Eng club, etc.). Include the years in which you participated. Be aware, however, that some employers may eventually view this information as irrelevant.

22 (Relevant) Activities
Active member in English club, 2018 Translator for Pyeonchang Olympics, 2018 Volunteer at Sungbin Orphanage, 2016 – 2017 Member of Student Council, 2014 – 2016

23 What should be included in a resume?
Summary of Skills - Some people use this section to include special skills or talents that are not included elsewhere on the resume, but would be relevant to the employer. Some possibilities are: Type 90 words per minute Fluent in French Driver’s License

24 What should be included in a resume?
References – Although it is common practice to put “References Available Upon Request” at the bottom of a resume, most career advisors say it is unnecessary. However, there is nothing wrong with taking a nicely printed list of personal references with you to an interview. You should have 3 people who have observed your work habits (employers, teachers, coaches, etc.) and speak about your character. Make sure you have asked their permission to include them as references. Create a separate list of references including their names, addresses, employers, job titles, and phone numbers. It is best to list work numbers since some people don’t appreciate calls at home. You know an employer is interested when they request a list of references.

25 References References available upon request References Kim Hye-sung
Manager Starbucks Coffee, Gwangseongdong, Seo-gu, Gwangju Name Job title Business Address Phone Number

26 Should items be arranged in any particular order?
Yes! You want your resume to be coherently organized. There are two distinct types of resumes. Most young people utilize a Chronological Format. The chronological style is exactly what it sounds like: It follows your work history backward from your current job, listing employers, dates, and job responsibilities. This is the format that you would most likely use if you are new to the workforce and have limited experience. Frequent job changes and work instability show up dramatically with this format.

27 How important is the format?
The importance of the format lies in its consistency. There is no one best resume format. Remember to stick to one format. It shows off your organizational abilities. Font size (not too tiny) Spacing / Format spacing ALL CAPITAL LETTERS Tense (consistent) Names Dates You can use color but don’t use too much color (think about what company you are applying to)

28 How important is the format?
The importance of the format lies in its consistency. There is no one best resume format. Remember to stick to one format. It shows off your organizational abilities. One page for a university graduate Google other ‘resume examples’ for your industry Save as a PDF file Spell check and grammar check Tailor your resume for different companies. Don’t design 1 resume and use again and again

29 Do the looks of a resume matter?
Absolutely! When sending a resume to an employer or college, don’t skimp. Use white paper and black ink. Avoid using colored paper or fancy graphics in your resume unless the job you are applying for is in a career area that might stress this type of formatting (art, graphic design, advertising, etc.) A little color is good but not too much! You can stand out but don’t go too crazy Know where you are applying to!

30 a CV or a Resume? A resume is only 1-2 pages
A CV (Curriculum Vitae) is longer They both contain a summary statement, work history (employment history/work experience), special skills and education Why is it longer? – a CV may be used for a senior executive, lawyer, professor, doctor or scientist and also contain: professional licenses, certificates, research, lab experience, dissertation, papers, and/or books

31 Example #1 1. Examine the first resume - What are your thoughts on it? What could be changed? 2. Examine the other sample resumes – which one do you prefer? 3. How are the resumes different (headings, format, etc.)? 4. Judging by the resumes, what jobs are each person applying for?

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