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Some preliminary results from the exochannel

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Presentation on theme: "Some preliminary results from the exochannel"— Presentation transcript:

1 Some preliminary results from the exochannel
From the run: IRa 01 Data: R. Alonso, R. Cautain, P-Y Chabaud, C. Chardes, L. Jorda, C. Surace, … Follow-up: C. Moutou, M. Deleuil, M. Barbieri, H. Deeg, A. Hatzes, H. Rauer, A. Erikson, S. Aigrain, A. Shporer, D. Rouan, … CS /04/07

2 Present status of the alarm mode
File transfer between LESIA, IAS and LAM are now working N0 -> N1 pipeline ready , concatenation of data ready …. but not in the production mode N1 data should be soon available Data presently available at LAM: Unconcatenated N0 products One week samples of LCs (build from N0 products) A few light curves on the complete run duration The « alarm » pipeline is not in the production mode  Tests have been made using N0 data (detection and follow up) CS /04/07

3 From N0 data … … to preliminary LCs
What we have made: Data were put in the appropriate format Various pieces concanenated in LCs Impacts of « cosmic rays » removed Detrending from low frequency variations Removal of systematics using PCA (only for some thousands of windows) Only hand made, not a pipeline ! CS /04/07

4 A first and quick look CS /04/07

5 Eclipsing binaries mv = 12.76 11% 13% mv = 13.42 6% CS /04/07

6 Variables stars 0.4% 0.2% mv = 13.02 mv = 12.43 0.5% CS /04/07

7 … also some problems CS /04/07

8 Planet candidates A number of planet candidates identified in a few 1000 LCs. Two good candidates with series of deep transits (few %): One has a period of 5.8 days The other has a period of 1.5 days Use of archived data: EXODAT (1 candidate observed by BEST)  Follow Up triggered for the two candidates: Photometry : IAC80cm, Wise 1m, BEST, CFHT/Megacam Spectroscopy : Tautenburg, SOPHIE Archived data : BEST (1 candidate), EXODAT CS /04/07

9 First candidate: COROT_001
CS /04/07

10 COROT_001: Detrended LC CS /04/07

11 COROT_001: Folded LC CS /04/07

12 COROT_001: Ellipsoidal variation
CS /04/07

13 COROT_001: a secondary transit
CS /04/07

14 COROT_001: Results from the F-Up
Radial velocity variations obtained from Tautenburg/1m Transit on the sentral star confirmed with IAC/80cm CS /04/07

15 COROT_001 is an eclipsing binary - the primary is a 0
COROT_001 is an eclipsing binary - the primary is a 0.9 M G5V star - the companion is a M star of M CS /04/07

16 COROT_002: Light-curve CS /04/07

17 COROT_002: Detrended LC CS /04/07

18 COROT_002: Folded LC CS /04/07

19 COROT_002: no elipsoidal variation
CS /04/07

20 COROT_002: no secondary transit
No feature down to the 3.e-5 level CS /04/07

21 COROT_002: follow up SOPHIE: radial velocity variations compatible with the LC ( m/s) Bisector analysis: not a triple system Analysis of SOPHIE spectra: 6000K dwarf star (to be confirmed) Star mass ~ 1.17 (0.33) M Planet mass ~ 1.32 (0.25) MJup CS /04/07

22 COROT_002 host a planet: - the planet is a very hot (1
COROT_002 host a planet: - the planet is a very hot (1.5days) giant one: RP ~ (+ 0.3,-0.2) RJup MP ~ 1.32 (0.25) Mjup - the star is a dwarf (~ 6000K) with: M ~ (0.33) M and R ~ 1.2 (-0.2,+0.1) R (parameters to be improved with higher resolution spectra) CS /04/07

23 What we learned also … Confrontation space/ground
Transit found deeper from the ground than from space …! Scattered light from the Earth can explain the difference (correction with an approximate value of 640e-/px/32sec) Background correction by hand ! We have to improve our organisation for the F-Up CS /04/07

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