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Libertarian Party.

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1 Libertarian Party

2 History Founded: Dec. 11, 1971 Founder: David Fraser Nolan 1971: Libertarian Party is founded 1972: First national convention held in June in Denver, Colorado. John Hospers, a philosophy professor at the University of Southern California, is nominated as presidential candidate. LP vice presidential candidate Tonie Nathan becomes the first woman in U.S. history to receive an electoral vote. 1980 : Ed Clark appears on the ballot in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam, and receives almost one million votes. His campaign runs extensive national television ads and offers many Americans their first look at what the LP has to offer. Many in the media recognize the LP for the first time as a serious political force.

3 1984: On the ballot in 39 states, David Bergland and Jim Lewis come in third in the race for President for the first time in the LP's history. Libertarians are elected to 11 more local offices around the country. 1988: Ron Paul, on the ballot in 46 states and the District of Columbia, comes in third, receiving more than 430,000 votes nationwide -- almost twice the total of any other "third" party. 1992: In New Hampshire's presidential primary election Andre Marrou beats incumbent President George Bush 11 votes to 9 in Dixville Notch, the town whose voters always vote first in the nation. Once again the LP's presidential ticket is on the ballot in all 50 states. 2001: It was the most successful year ever for Libertarians as they elected 96 people to public office. The number of Libertarians in elective office increased to 301, a jump of 45% in a single year; and the total number of Libertarians in public office rose to 522.

4 2004-2008 Presidential Candidates:
Michael Badnarik: Presidential Candidate Richard Campagna: Vice presidential Candidate  397,265 popular votes (0.34%)

5 2008 Announced Presidential Candidates
Daniel Imperato: Businessman from Florida . Bob Jackson: Businessman, registered professional engineer. Steve Kubby: High profile Libertarian activist and candidate for California Governor in 1998 and Vice President in Robert W. Milnes: New Jersey activist advocating a "progressive alliance" of Libertarians and Greens. George Phillies: Professor of physics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, former candidate for the U.S. Senate (1996) and U.S. House (1998) from Massachusetts. Wayne Allyn Root: Best-selling author; professional sports handicapper; founder and chairman of Winning Edge International, Inc. Christine Smith: Writer; public speaker; progressive activist; recipient of 2002 Outstanding American Award and 2000 Amigas Peace Prize.

6 Fiscal: Right wing Social: Center-Left
Platform: Fiscal: Right wing Social: Center-Left Favor reduction in taxation, privatization of Social Security and welfare. Minimal government bureaucracy. Strong civil liberties positions, including privacy protections, freedom of speech, freedom of association, and sexual freedom. No government interference in reproductive rights, including access to abortion. Opposition to conscription. A foreign policy of free trade and non-interventionism.

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