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Populations Lesson 2.

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1 Populations Lesson 2

2 Population all of the members of a species living in the same ecosystem or habitat.

3 Population growth patterns
Changes in population size occur when individuals are added to or removed from a population. Natality (birthrate) and Immigration (movement into an area) increase a population. Mortality (death rate) and emigration (movement out of an area) decrease a population.

4 Population growth patterns
These four factors interact to determine population size Population growth = births + immigration – deaths – emigration

5 Open and Closed Populations
Open populations = populations where births, immigration, death and emigration all act on the population of an organism. Closed population = populations where only births and deaths affect their population size. These are normally only found on islands, game reserves and labs.

6 Limits on Populations Biotic Potential – the maximum number of offspring that a species could produce if resources were unlimited. Regulated by 4 important factors Birth potential - maximum number of offspring per birth Capacity for survival – the number of offspring that reach reproductive age Procreation – The number of times that a species reproduces in a year Length of reproductive life. – The age of sexual maturity and the number of years the individual can reproduce.

7 Limits on Populations Limiting Factors – Any resource that is in short supply is a limiting factor on a population. Food, water, territory, and the presence of pollutants. Carrying Capacity – The maximum number of individual of a species that can be supported indefinitely by the ecosystem.

8 Case Study

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