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2012 millage.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 millage."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 millage

2 Adjusted Budget Expenses $ 9,279,456 Revenues $ 8,924,687
Shortfall $ ,769 Back Taxes Removed ($800,000) TAN Notes not included ($2.5M)

3 Strategies Revenues: Expenses: Collect Back & Delinquent Taxes
Millage Increase Expenses: Public Holidays / Layoffs /Hiring & Promotion Freeze Discretionary Expenses

4 Back Taxes Tax Commissioner - Real Property from 2005 forward
Staff – Mobile Home Delinquent Taxes Tax Deeds before 2005 Real Property before 2005

5 Public Holidays/Layoffs
Every other Friday beginning July 20: 12 days x $24,360 = $ 292,320 Change Personnel Policies – Reduce 10 paid holidays to 4 and declare 6 public holidays = $ 146,162/yr. One week layoff = $ 121,800 Workman’s Comp? Increase Rates?

6 Discretionary Expenses
1. Community Water Assn. - $ 30,000/yr 2. Federal Building - $ 12,000/yr 3. Drug Task Force - $ 19,928 4. Chamber of Commerce - $ 22,500 5. Recreation - $ 250,000 6. Library - $ 131,800 7. Airport - $ 26,317 (Plus Grass Cutting) 8. AG Res./Ext. - $ 78,006 9. Forestry Dept. - $ 14,377

7 Discretionary Expenses
2012 Possible Savings - $ 122,155 2013 Possible Savings - $ 392,422 Should be studied by a Joint City-County Task Force

8 Millage and Revenues 13.66 mills (Current)
13.75 mills (Rollback) $ ,328 14.75 mills $ ,052 15.66 mills $ ,870 16.66 mills $ 1,005,984

9 Millage 15.66 mills = $ 5,383,210 x 0.85 = $ 4,575,722 collected by 12/31/12 $ ,481 uncollected $ 4,575,722 Projected Collections $ 4,195,714 Budgeted $ ,008 (-)$ ,769 Shortfall $ ,239

10 Conclusions Combination of Strategies is Needed:
Back Taxes on Real & Personal Property Delinquent Mobile Home Taxes Public Holidays /Layoffs / Hiring Freeze Discretionary Expenses Millage Increase

11 Recommendations 1. Tentatively approve 15.66 mills
2. Encourage tax collections 3. Designate every other Friday as a Public Holiday; Freeze Salaries & Promotions 4. Joint Task Force to examine and recommend reductions in discretionary expenses

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