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Starter: Revision Task Research Methods Alphabet

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Presentation on theme: "Starter: Revision Task Research Methods Alphabet"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter: Revision Task Research Methods Alphabet
Instructions: Work as a group Try to think of one key research methods term for each letter of the alphabet. Write the words in order on your whiteboards The group to correctly complete all letters first is the winner!

2 Acquiescence bias Behavioural categories Correlation Descriptive statistics External validity Fixed choice option Graphs Histogram Independent groups Journal article Knowledge and understanding Laboratory experiment Matched pairs Nominal data Operationalisation Participant observation Quasi experiment Random allocation Sign test Target population Unstructured interviews Variables Withdrawal X-axis Y-axis Zero correlation

3 Revision: Test Your Knowledge
Complete the multiple-choice questions on Descriptive statistics, graphs and kinds of data.

4 Check Your Answers C True D False A 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. D 15. D
20. B. Highlight/note any incorrect answers. Use this information to help plan your revision. Next week: the sign test and non-experimental research methods (correlation, observations, questionnaires and interviews.)

5 Learning Check: What do you know about psychology and the economy?
Bronze questions Silver questions Gold questions Define ‘the economy.’ Give an example of how psychological research has implications for the economy. How does psychology benefit the economy? Define ‘implications.’ Give a further example. What concerns have been raised about the use of psychology to benefit the economy?

6 Recap: ‘Design a Study’ Questions
Plan your answer. Needs detail - the study should be fully replicable. Focus on elements to be credited. All choices need to be justified. Needs to be ethical.

7 Mark the Answer - and make corrections/additions where appropriate..



10 Page 2 ALL by end of TODAY! Submit report: CX/DX - Monday 25th February; EX – Tuesday 26th February.

11 Non Experimental Research Methods
Observation Questionnaire Interview Correlational analysis Are people who own pets happier? Does the weather affect people’s mood? Does age affect how much people dream? Is there a relationship between age and sleep pattern? Do students who are left-handed tend to study creative subjects? Are babies with their eyes open rated as being cuter than babies with their eyes closed? Gender and smartphone use.

12 The Research Practical:
Work individually or in groups to design the study and collect data. Research reports MUST be written-up individually. Ethics Proposed studies MUST be approved by me before you run the pilot study. Ensure your participants are treated correctly – follow the BPS guidance on consent, withdrawal, confidentiality, etc. Avoid research on sensitive topics e.g. mental health, personal relationships, sexuality, drug use. Don’t use vulnerable people as participants. Collect your data in a safe, familiar environment. See page 4 of this week’s handout for more on ethics.

13 Get Designing! Use the planning sheet OR a sheet of A4 to plan the details of your study. Use the resources on the shelf for ideas. Use your phone to locate relevant research articles.

14 Plenary: Whiteboard Self Assessment
Which of the lesson objectives have you achieved today? What do you need to do next for your study? Draw an emoji (or other pic) to sum up your confidence level for the research practical task.

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