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Evidence of PBIS Working at Fair Street Elementary School!!

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1 Evidence of PBIS Working at Fair Street Elementary School!!
Niki Hudgins, M.Ed. Kim Hall, Ph.D., LPC, NCC

2 Major Results of Implementing PBIS:
A significant decrease in our discipline referrals. In school year, there were 323 discipline referrals. In school year, there were 121. That is a 63% reduction in discipline referrals.

3 Breakdown of Referrals
Other/Student Incivility = 33 Rude/Discourteous to Peers = 27 Other/Student Incivility (profanity,etc) = 26 Disrespect to Adults = 14 Disorderly Conduct = 7 Fighting = 6 Class Disruption (minor) = 5 Other Incident/State Reported Discipline = 3 Bullying = 1

4 Other Incidences Harassment/Physical Aggression = 1 Sexual Offense = 1
Eighty-five of the referrals were bus referrals; 17 were classroom incidents 8 hallway 6 cafeteria 4 playground; 2 bathroom; 2 art room Go to Educators’ Handbook to show graphs.

5 Referrals by Grade Level
Grade Level: Number of incidents: Gives us good information to know which grades may need more support.

6 Additional Results from PBIS - Increased School Attendance
Increased attendance in compared to In we had 147 students with 5 or more Unexcused Absences. In we had 106 students with 5 or more Unexcused Absences (28% reduction of students with 5 or more absences) Uo5bi1xQ3FHcFE

7 Increased Academic Growth
Aug Reading Inventory May 2017 Below Basic 54% % Proficient % % Basic 36% % Advanced 1% %

8 Increased Academic Growth
DIBELS Overall Growth K - 2 Beg. of Year (2016) 38% Proficient End of Year (2017) 74% Proficient

9 Increased School Safety and Positive School Climate
(Based on survey results; results should be even better due to 2nd year of PBIS implementation). School Connectedness: 61-76% often or always like school. Clear Rules for Behavior: 89-91% believe their school has clear rules for behavior.

10 3rd-5th Grade Survey Results Continued
Safety at School: 78-84% often or always feel safe at school. Teachers Treat Students with Respect: 83-89% often or always feel teachers treat them respectfully. Adults Will Help if I Need Them: 82-97% of students felt that way.

11 How Did We Get Here? Lots of hard work and patience.
Training from GA Dept. of Education Commitment and support from our Central Office staff Support and training from our Pioneer RESA Cooperation and support from our school administrators

12 Fair Street & Gainesville City Expectations
BE THE ONE Ready Respectful Responsible Role Model Poster .

13 School Wide Expectations
Treat others the way you want to be treated Follow adult directions the first time Take care of school property Come to school prepared I am always positive about myself & others. I take responsibility for my behavior & education. I use appropriate language at all times.

14 Classroom Expectations
Treat the teacher with absolute Respect Follow all classroom rules Bring all needed materials Complete all work in a timely manner Keep the classroom clean & orderly Help your classmates whenever possible

15 Cafeteria & Playground
Clean up your area & be ready to line up Use inside voice with people around you Keep hands and feet to self. Wait patiently in line. Playground Play by the rules. Include others. I am considerate of others at recess, and listen for the teacher's call to line up.

16 Restroom, Hallway & Atrium
Respect each other’s privacy. I take care of business in the restroom and go immediately back to class. Hallways & Atrium Be silent – raise hand to speak Keep hands, feet & objects away from other people, the walls & displays Stay with your class.

17 Teaching of Expectations
Lessons are in Google Drive and teachers have access to them at all times Lessons are taught at the beginning of the year - and at times that our data shows us they need reinforced (i.e. right before a break). New teachers are oriented to them at the beginning of the year. New students are introduced to them when they enter a new class.

18 PBIS Meetings Meeting dates are sent out via Google Calendar Invite
Roles and expectations are discussed clearly at the beginning Sub-committees help with the amount of work that needs to be done Administrative support is essential

19 Challenges for the Future
School Health Survey showed our students think classroom management needs improving More focus on supporting classroom teachers with behavioral interventions Teachers will create classroom expectations aligned with PBIS Orient parents with PBIS and encourage their involvement

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