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Белый White Blanco.

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Presentation on theme: "Белый White Blanco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Белый White Blanco

2 white

3 blanco

4 белый


6 Ivory box from the Late Bronze palace at Megiddo

7 Augustus in armor, c. 40 BC Vatican Museums, Rome

8 David, Michelangelo,

9 Rodin, The Secret or link; ca. 1910

10 Marcel Duchamp, Fountain 1917

11 Piero della Francesca, The Baptism of Christ, 1448-50, National Gallery, London

12 Berthe Morisot, The Cradle, 1872, Musée d'Orsay

13 Utagawa Hiroshige, Drum Bridge At Meguro 1857

14 Pablo Picasso, Bottle of Vieux Marc, Glass, Guitar and Newspaper, 1913, collage and pen and ink on blue paper, Tate Gallery, London. _

15 Jean Arp, Leaves and Navels I 1930

16 Jackson Pollock, Number 1, 1948 Pollock was the first ``all-over'' painter, pouring paint rather than using brushes and a palette, and abandoning all conventions of a central motif. He danced in semi-ecstasy over canvases spread across the floor, lost in his patterning, dripping and dribbling with total control. He said: ``The painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through.'' He painted no image, just ``action''

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