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Volunteerism & AmeriCorps VISTA

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteerism & AmeriCorps VISTA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteerism & AmeriCorps VISTA 920 N. Washington Suite #100, Spokane WA

2 Community Impact

3 Volunteer Spokane New Volunteers Registered: 2015: 169 2016: 350
2017: 221 2018: 1,895

4 Volunteer Spokane Total Number of Agencies per year: 2015: 199
2016: 257 2017: 299 2018: 356

5 Corporate Support for Volunteerism
Coordinating Volunteer Opportunities: August – December 2018 Number of request 21 15 in companies that currently do not run a campaign Onsite Volunteer Projects: August – December 2018 Total Number of companies: 5 Total Number of Assemblies: 9 (Snack packs, backpacks, hygiene, and literacy kits) Total Number of Kits Distributed to Agency Partners: 1,350 Receiving agencies: Cross Walk, SFCC, VOA, Excelsior, MLK Family Center, Shiloh and Chattaroy Elementary School Net Revenue: $8,501

6 Holiday Book Bag Project
An annual project that is a partnership with Guardian Life Insurance and Mead & Riverside School Districts was the 4 year anniversary of the project! Grades K-3rd Distributed 1,053 books and games Each student received 3 books of their choice 351 students impacted [310 at Shiloh (MSD) & 41 at Chattaroy (RSD)] Books in 12 different languages were distributed to ELL Students

7 Vello What is Vello? Statistics: August – December 2018
A literacy support program that allows volunteers to virtually tutor students A partnership with Guardian Life Insurance and Riverside School District. Vello allows the entire classroom access to Raz A to Z 24/7. Students in one on one virtual tutoring need more time and practice to read at grade level. There are a total of 10 Vello students (5 per classroom). Statistics: August – December 2018 Increased reading levels (average): 2.1 Number of books read: 4,310 Number of books listened to: 2,053 Number of quizzes taken: 7,431 Average quiz scores: 80% Total of 13 volunteers Cost $3,500 for 9 month engagement, Vello station, licensing, IT support, & background check

8 Vello Experience Teacher Experience:
“The class as a whole had amazing growth...bigger than I have ever seen.  I am so sure it is due to this program.  I had one of the Vello students go from a 178 to a 198!!!!  Another went from a 173 to a 184.  Another Vello student jumped from 173 to 183…. . Everyone in the class showed no less gain than four points, with most showing gains of at least points. I was not expecting such growth.  Usually I see kids who come in to second grade above level plateau or move just a few points up or down.  So, I really think this A to Z reading program, daily, along with the Vello is making a significant impact.” – Leslie Cushman Volunteer Experience:   “Vello is user-friendly, convenient, and fun!  I look forward to tutoring every week and it brightens up my day to hear Violet’s sweet voice. I get to make a difference from my desk on my lunch break, the perfect opportunity for a working mom to volunteer!” – Ann McElyea

9 Spokane Gives Spokane Gives is a partnership with the City of Spokane to increase volunteering efforts during the month of April. 2018: Number of volunteers:20,475 Number of hours: 122,148 Total Impact: $3,051,834 National Service Recognition Day: 2018: SCUW received the Community Impact Award from VOA for the renovation project at Hope House 2019: Family Promise: From the moment a family is homeless until three years after they are in a home, Family Promise of Spokane is helping homeless families with a holistic offering of programs that focuses on the family Projects will take place at new location; installing playground equipment, building a fence, painting, cleaning.

10 AmeriCorps VISTA At Spokane County United Way, we manage the selection and support of AmeriCorps VISTA projects and members countywide in coordination with the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). By supporting VISTA projects, we strengthen local programs that align with our vision for a more educated, healthier and prosperous community.

11 Host Agencies by Focus Area
Education Salish School of Spokane Spark Central The Zone Project Excelerate Success (Summer Associates) Health Community-Minded Enterprises: Recovery Café North Central High School Operation Healthy Family Spokane Community Gardens Financial Stability Liberty Park Community Development Center River City Youth Ops SNAP Financial Access Spokane Tribe of Indians Volunteers of America

12 Financial Impact For Organizations For VISTA Members
Agency pays $3,000 per year for FTE staff person valued at $40, 000 14 Members = $560,000 (FTE) For VISTA Members Living Allowance: $12,272 annually Education Award: $6,095 per service year ($85,330 for 14 members)

13 VISTA Members

14 Summer Associates

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