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Starter: 1. Suggest two more pieces of observational data that could be collected by the psychologist, one qualitative and one quantitative.    2. One.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter: 1. Suggest two more pieces of observational data that could be collected by the psychologist, one qualitative and one quantitative.    2. One."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter: 1. Suggest two more pieces of observational data that could be collected by the psychologist, one qualitative and one quantitative.    2. One of the problems of observational research is that of observer bias. How might this have affected this study? How could it have been reduced? 3. Describe two ways in which this study differs from a naturalistic observation study. 4. Suggest one advantage that a controlled observation has over a naturalistic observation study. 5. Name the sampling method used in this study and describe one disadvantage of using such a method.


3 Self-Report Techniques
Asking people questions about their experiences, beliefs, thoughts, etc. Questionnaires Interviews

4 What is a questionnaire?
A set of pre-written questions used to collect data from a sample of respondents.

5 Complete the table and give an example of each type of question.
Types of Question: Complete the table and give an example of each type of question. Page 2

6 Qualitative Quantitative More detailed answers
Question Type Type of data yielded Advantage Disadvantage Open Questions Respondents can answer in their own words. Closed Questions There is a fixed number of predetermined responses More detailed answers Respondent expresses what they think (validity) More difficult to analyse than closed questions Qualitative Restricting answers may reduce validity (as not representative of true feelings) Easier to analyse (compare using graphs/charts) Quantitative

7 Types of Question Fixed choice option: Likert (Numerical) scale:
Rating scale:

8 Bad questionnaire examples
How many issues can you spot in the questionnaires on page 3 and 4? Page 3-4

9 1. Categories overlapping
2. Too vague – in the future could mean any period of time. 3. Leading question. 4. Double negative and emotive language. 5. Double-barrelled question – question mentions two things. 6. Unclear how many categories meant to select – one or multiple? Other issues: Font randomly changes in the middle. Spelling error in ‘Thanks for taking part!’. Question order – not clear why the questions about jobs are in different places.


11 Questionnaires: Evaluation
Using the information from the textbook, summarise the strengths and limitations of questionnaires. Finished? Complete the ‘Apply it’ activity on social desirability bias. Page 5

12 Cost effective – Can be distributed to lots of people (= large amounts of data) and the researcher need not be present. X Social desirability bias – people tend to present themselves in a positive light, so responses may not be truthful. Affects validity. Easy to analyse if fixed choice, closed questions are used (statistical analysis and comparisons) X Response bias – people may favour a particular kind of response e.g. they always agree. Affects validity. Acquiescence bias = the tendency to agree with a agree, regardless of actual content of a question/item.

13 Task: Design an effective questionnaire
1. In pairs/small groups, design a questionnaire for East Sussex College students. 2. See the tips about what to include and avoid on page 6 of the handout. Make sure it is ethical! Page 6

14 Plenary: Exit Question
AQA A Unit 1 January 2010 A psychologist investigated the effect of different forms of day care on children’s later social development. She selected two different types of day care: • child minders • day nurseries. The children had been in one of these types of day care full-time for at least a year before they started primary school. Each child’s mother was asked to complete a questionnaire. 6 (c) Write one suitable question which could be used in the questionnaire to produce quantitative data. (2 marks) 6 (d) Write one suitable question which could be used in the questionnaire to produce qualitative data. (2 marks) 6 (e) Give one weakness of using questionnaires in this research. (2 marks)

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