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The re-use of INSPIRE for environmental reporting

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Presentation on theme: "The re-use of INSPIRE for environmental reporting"— Presentation transcript:

1 The re-use of INSPIRE for environmental reporting
Jose Miguel Rubio I 23 November I NRC-EIS Meeting (Copenhagen, Denmark) The re-use of INSPIRE for environmental reporting Overview of the latest activities and outlook

2 eReporting and INSPIRE – Where are we today?
Overview eReporting and INSPIRE – Where are we today? Community feedback - “Towards an INSPIREd eReporting?” workshop at the 2017 INSPIRE conference eReporting and INSPIRE – What do we have to take into account? Latest INSPIRE activities of relevance for eReporting NRC-EIS 2016 Actions - Status and dependencies

3 eReporting and INSPIRE – Where are we today?
Early adopter: Air Quality eReporting (including service harvesting for some MS) “Integrated Approach” used (i.e. multiple INSPIRE themes in one super schema) In 2017 we have seen the development of two additional “INSPIREd” eReporting data flows: CDDA reporting 2018 using “Linked Approach” (i.e. environmental data pointing towards an INSPIRE dataset, but provided separately) EU Registry on Industrial Emissions using an “Extension Approach” (i.e. a singular INSPIRE theme is extended by environmental data) Recommendations for publishing MSFD underlying datasets according to INSPIRE (art. 19(3)) State and outlook by M. Lund (EEA) State and outlook by I. Marnane (EEA) State and outlook by I. del Barrio (EEA)

4 3-hour workshop held on 4th September @ INSPIRE Conference
„Towards an INSPIREd e-Reporting?“ Workshop 3-hour workshop held on 4th INSPIRE Conference High attendance by MS representatives, EEA and EC staff and INSPIRE experts Objectives: Trigger a forward-looking discussion about enhancing environmental reporting by re-using INSPIRE and its existing and emerging approaches Brainstorming about new visions and paradigms in reporting brought by novel technologies and data sources Content: Presentations on the concept paper and on the different encoding approaches National examples (FI, NL, DE) Open Discussion with seed questions such as: Is the Linked Approach the only way to implement an INSPIREd e-reporting? Can we find a standard approach across topics? Could a data harvesting-based workflow be realistically implemented across Europe within the next few years? Is it likely to reach the status of “zero reporting” in the future? Presentation and INSPIRE website

5 (Some) Take-away messages from the discussions:
„Towards an INSPIREd e-Reporting?“ Workshop (Some) Take-away messages from the discussions: INSPIRE can have a great potential to improve efficiency and effectiveness and as such it is reflected in the Action Plan to Streamline Environmental Reporting Many environmental reporters, however, perceive INSPIRE as another layer of complexity; simplification is not (yet) evident, added value needs to be demonstrated Environmental reporters in MS do not want to submit twice the same information – INSPIRE should help to avoid this! Great interest by MS towards the use of fully automated systems; tools need to be developed to hide complexity and help less advanced MS. MS also want blueprints of INSPIRE-based reporting models in different areas, agreed by relevant thematic communities. Evolution in reporting should focus on facilitating the exploitation of data by society; INSPIRE can contribute to disseminate and access data at any time by everyone.

6 eReporting and INSPIRE – What should we take into account? (I)
Future (INSPIREd) eReporting projects should consider lessons learned and following requirements: Need for a systematic approach towards modern Reporting Generic and reusable approach in different data flows Minimum demands on provider and consumer side More coherent and streamlined – avoid double reporting! Reduce fragmentation of approaches and technical solutions When overlapping, this needs to be reconciled with the requirements coming from INSPIRE: MS shall provide data in the scope of INSPIRE by 2020 latest. Data provided under INSPIRE shall be reused and MS aim to avoid multiple provision of data. For better support of environmental policies more direct, frequent and timely access to the environmental data is needed

7 eReporting and INSPIRE – What should we take into account? (II)
As advanced in „The future of eReporting and the link to INSPIRE“... Current reporting obligations Type 1 Geospatial reference data Type 2 Environmental data Type 3 Textual or contextual data and information Type 2 (and 3) Reporting obligation INSPIRE* Type 1 * The proportion of the overlap of the scope of the INSPIRE Annex Themes and the reporting obligations can vary (e.g. there is no overlap at all).

8 More about this by S. Morrone (Epsilon Italy)
eReporting and INSPIRE – What should we take into account? (III) Contribute to streamlining of e-Reporting processes should be on primary focus when reusing INSPIRE Risks and benefits to be taken into account: [+] Taking advantage of INSPIRE implementation by MS [+] Cross-domain interoperability [+] Increased quality, wider availability and re-use of data [+] Help reduce fragmentation in reporting data flows [-] INSPIRE Data Specifications sometimes not fit for reporting [-] Heterogeneous and delayed implementation of INSPIRE [-] Default encoding (GML) not suitable for large datasets [-] Reporting workflows already in operations, making transition more complex and costly Linked approach as a generic blueprint which aims at maximising benefits while avoiding (some) risks More about this by S. Morrone (Epsilon Italy)

9 More details on this by R. Tomas (EC – JRC)
Current and future INSPIRE activities of relevance for eReporting After REFIT evaluation, INSPIRE governance to work on simplification on requirements and usability through: Review of Implementing Rules (in particular Data Interoperability Annex III) and M&R Decision New actions to explore flexibilities allowed already by IR/TG: Alternative encodings (i.e. to define alternative encoding rules and procedure for endorsement - flattened XML, RDF/JSON/GDB/GeoPackages) Improved client support (i.e. to collect examples of INSPIRE data representing use cases and discuss with vendors to improve support) Focus on making available the priority list of e-Reporting datasets (i.e. by tagging MD with specific keywords) Development of thematic viewer (i.e. based on use cases) These actions will run through 2018 and will certainly have an impact on future INSPIREd eReporting processes. More details on this by R. Tomas (EC – JRC)

10 More details on these four actions after coffee break!
NRC-EIS 2016 Actions – status and dependencies Action 1 “Provide a MD template for environmental eReporting data within INSPIRE” Action to be followed up under the activity framework Action 2 “Monitor the Member Country (MC) progress for eReporting” EIONET survey launched and summary report to be shared Action 3: “Clarify reporting requirements towards INSPIRE” Clarifications to be based upon implementation cases Action 4: “Technical implementation of the eReporting concept to the CDDA data flow” Consultation with MS over, guidelines to be finalised and call to be launched soon More details on these four actions after coffee break!

11 Thank you! José Miguel RUBIO IGLESIAS
Jose Miguel Rubio I 4 September I INSPIRE Conference 2017 – Kehl Thank you! José Miguel RUBIO IGLESIAS

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