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Monday, October 29 Your seats have been chosen – find your tags. If there is a problem with your seat unbeknownst to me, come and find me privately and.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, October 29 Your seats have been chosen – find your tags. If there is a problem with your seat unbeknownst to me, come and find me privately and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, October 29 Your seats have been chosen – find your tags. If there is a problem with your seat unbeknownst to me, come and find me privately and we will talk. Copy down your assignments – get your assignment book signatures ready to show me. MAKE YOUR LUNCH COUNT AND MAKE IT LEGIBLY Get your Monday folders signed!!!!! SPELLING TEST will be on FRIDAY this week.

2 RW (M): The Giver: a 1993 American young adult novel by Lois Lowry
Opening: Set up “The Giver” book journals Title cover Chapter Thoughts/Questions Character Study Word Work Work Period: “The Giver” pre-reading activity Closing: Share/Discuss


4 Writers (M): Why I honor the American Flag
Opening: Work Period: Continue working on your VFW writing – DUE Wednesday! Finished? Read! Closing: Share with a partner – what is one strength you found and one suggestion you would make to them?

5 Math (Monday): How do we solve two step equations?
Opening: variable-linear-equations/alg1-two-steps-equations- intro/v/why-we-do-the-same-thing-to-both-sides-two- step-equations Work period: 3.5 activity 1, 2,3 Closing: Discussion/Questions

6 SS (M): We will compile research regarding the current population world-wide.
Opening: What is World Population Density? (Ch 4, section 2) Work Period: Human Population Growth Webquest Done in table groups Grades – Monday – status check grade; Tuesday – final product grade If you are not ACTIVELY PARTICIPATING in your group, you will read from the book and be graded from that Closing: Discussion

7 Tuesday, October 30 Same seats as yesterday.
Copy down your assignments WORK ON AND STUDY FOR YOUR SPELLING TEST – it will be on FRIDAY this week. MAKE YOUR LUNCH COUNT AND MAKE IT LEGIBLY Anything to be passed out today? Tomorrow is Halloween – costumes allowed as long as they follow the rules and are FUNCTIONAL IN CLASS AND SO ARE YOU. There will be a party starting at 2:05 if you are in my class – the party will consist of whatever YOU BRING. 

8 RW (T): The Giver: a 1993 American young adult novel by Lois Lowry
Opening: Set up “The Giver” book journals Title cover Character Study Chapter Notes/Questions Word Work POSTERS OF RAMPS Work Period: Complete “The Giver” pre-reading activity Simile/metaphor: Closing: Share/Discuss

9 Writers (T): Why I honor the American Flag
Opening: Work Period: Continue working on your VFW writing – DUE Wednesday! Finished? Read! Closing: Share with a partner – what is one strength you found and one suggestion you would make to them?

10 Math (Tue): How do we solve two step equations?
Opening: pg 83, #4 activity Work period: 3.5 exercise, #6-9, 42-45 Closing: Grade/Go over

11 SS (T): We will compile research regarding the current population world-wide.
Opening: What is World Population Density? (Ch 4, section 2) Work Period: Human Population Growth Webquest Done in table groups Grades – Monday – status check grade; Tuesday – final product grade If you are not ACTIVELY PARTICIPATING in your group, you will read from the book and be graded from that Finished? Complete today’s math, work on your VFW writing, study spelling, etc. Closing: Discussion

12 Wednesday, October 31 Same seats as yesterday.
Copy down your assignments MAKE YOUR LUNCH COUNT AND MAKE IT LEGIBLY Anything to be passed out today? WORK ON AND STUDY FOR YOUR SPELLING TEST – it will be on FRIDAY this week. School pics tomorrow!

13 RW (W): Use text evidence to infer the meanings of the parallel terms of Jonas’ society.
Opening: What is something you know is in your future about which you are nervous? Work period: Read The Giver ch. 1 and answer the “chapter 1 Comprehension Follow-Up” paper. Finished? Read your own book/study for this week’s spelling test. Closing: Share/Discuss



16 WW (W): We will create a story with an underlying horror as the author’s hidden meaning.
Opening: What is the scariest thing you have ever written? : Work Period: Consider the following themes, and choose ONE. Create a story in which that theme is the underlying message. *Finish final copy of VFW* Length - your choice Finished – read or work on something incomplete Theme 1: The reluctance of people to reject outdated traditions, ideas, rules, laws, and practices. Theme 2: Society wrongfully designates scapegoats to bear the sins of the community. Theme 3: The wickedness of ordinary people can be just as horrifying as the heinous crime of a serial killer or a sadistic head of state. Theme 4: The unexamined life is not worth living. Theme 5: Following the crowd can have disastrous consequences. Closing: Share out

17 Math (Wed): How do we solve two step equations?
Opening: Continue grading from Tuesday (?) Work Period: 3.5 Exercise #10-13, 18, 20-27 Closing: Grade/Discuss

18 Science (W): We will examine the effect of the 1st law of motion on a penny.
Opening: Newton’s 1st Law of Motion - Work Period: Observation: Newton’s first Law of Motion: An object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. Question: What will happen to penny if I flick the notecard out from under it? Hypothesis: I predict that … Experiment: 1) place the notecard on top of the glass. 2) set the penny in the middle of the card 3) flick the card FROM THE EDGE Track and log your data How many pennies can you do? Track and log your data. Analyze the Data Draw a Conclusion. science/ Closing: Results?

19 Thursday, November 1 School pics today! Smile and make your Momma proud!
Same seats as yesterday. Copy down your assignments MAKE YOUR LUNCH COUNT AND MAKE IT LEGIBLY Anything to be passed out today? WORK ON AND STUDY FOR YOUR SPELLING TEST – it will be on FRIDAY this week.

20 RW (R): We will connect to and analyze as we read.
Opening: What are you wondering after reading The Giver chapter 1? Class discussion Work Period: The Giver ch. 1/ch. 2 Finish up ch. 1/comp questions – DUE TODAY Independently read chapter 2, taking notes as you read in your Giver journal; Thoughts/questions/connections Set up expectations for independent chapter readings for rest of novel Finished? Read independently study independently for spelling test FRIDAY. Math work AR Study Island Turn in VFW writing Simile/metaphor/personification practice Closing: Share thoughts

21 WW (R): We will create a story with an underlying horror as the author’s hidden meaning.
Opening: What is the scariest thing you have ever written? Work Period: Consider the following themes, and choose ONE. Create a story in which that theme is the underlying message. Length - your choice Finished – read or work on something incomplete Theme 1: The reluctance of people to reject outdated traditions, ideas, rules, laws, and practices. Theme 2: Society wrongfully designates scapegoats to bear the sins of the community. Theme 3: The wickedness of ordinary people can be just as horrifying as the heinous crime of a serial killer or a sadistic head of state. Theme 4: The unexamined life is not worth living. Theme 5: Following the crowd can have disastrous consequences. Write the theme you choose at the top of the page in your journal – brainstorm using flow map, BME Rough draft – notebook paper Closing: Share out

22 Math (Thur): How do we solve two step equations?
Opening: linear-equations/alg1-two-steps-equations-intro/v/solving-equations- 1 Work Period: 3.5 Exercise #14-17, 28, 29-34, Independently NOT homework Closing: Grade/Discuss

23 Science (R): We will examine the effect of the 2nd law of motion on pantyhose.
Opening: Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion - Work Period: Observation: Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion - F = ma Question: What happens when we drop different weights/objects in the two legs of a panty hose? Hypothesis: I predict that … Experiment: 1) find the mass of the two objects 2) place one object into each leg of the panty hose 3) release the pantyhose at the same time from the same height *eggs Track and log your data Analyze the Data Draw a Conclusion. Closing: Results?

24 Friday, November 2 Same seats as yesterday. Copy down your assignments

25 lapse  interminably Squat Rasping Churn Grim Jeering Supplementary  Prominent Adequately Transgression  apprehensive

26 Upon hearing the grim sound of my father’s voice as he called me to the living room, I had an apprehensive feeling creep into the pit of my stomach. My brother laughed and whispered in a jeering voice, “Sounds like someone’s in troubled!!” I racked my brain to think of for what transgression I could be in trouble, but nothing prominent stood out. I replied in a rasping voice, “On my way, Dad!” as I attempted to adequately build up the courage to head down the hall. lapse  interminably Squat Rasping Churn Grim Jeering Supplementary  Prominent Adequately Transgression  apprehensive

27 Upon hearing the *****sound of my father’s voice as he called me to the living room, I had an ***** feeling creep into the pit of my stomach. My brother laughed and whispered in a ***** voice, “Sounds like someone’s in troubled!!” I racked my brain to think of for what ***** I could be in trouble, but nothing ***** stood out. I replied in a ***** voice, “On my way, Dad!” as I attempted to ***** build up the courage to head down the hall. lapse  interminably Squat Rasping Churn Grim Jeering Supplementary  Prominent Adequately Transgression  apprehensive

28 Stations (Fri): We will work cooperatively to design and evaluate, using the concepts we have learned this week. Station 1: Readers/Writers: Choices: work on your Halloween theme story, publish your story (due today, turn in), read chapter two of The Giver AND TAKE NOTES, read your own book, etc. Begin chapter 3 of The Giver WITH YOUR JOURNAL!!. YOU MUST BE READING OR WRITING. Station 2: Science: PROVE Newton’s THIRD law of motion through the creation of a bottle rocket car. IN YOUR SCIENCE JOURNAL – label the page “rocket bottle car” - SKETCH your car 1) label WHERE the law takes place, and 2) explain in Newton’s words AND YOUR OWN HOW the law is being used; vocab you MUST USE: Acceleration Action force Force interaction law Newton's third law Mass motion reaction force velocity Station 3: Computer/Techno: Study Island, AR tests, population webquest, etc.

29 The Giver – Pre-reading Thinking
Name of Community: System of Government: Physical Description: How people spend their Days: How does your community change and grow? What role does history play in the growth of the community? What would have to be added to our OWN society in order to make it perfect? What would be lost in this quest for perfection?

30 The Giver: Chapter 1 Comprehension Follow-Up
Vocabulary: Intrigued Rasping (voice) Churn Jeering Palpable Distraught Apprehensive Disposition Questions: Paragraph 2: “Always away from the community” – meaning? Paragraph 3: So why was he frightened? Page 2: “The sense of his own community silent, waiting, had made his stomach churn.” Page 4: Jonas realizes he is confusing eager for frightened … when is a time YOU have done the same? Page 10: “this will be a private talk with Jonas.” Why do you think this will be a private talk? We have already discovered some rules about this community thus far. What are some of them? There are several terms/phrases used to refer to things WE call by different names. Find three and write what THEY call them vs. what WE would call them:

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