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WELCOME PARENTS This powerpoint will be linked on my blog for you to download and reread if needed.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME PARENTS This powerpoint will be linked on my blog for you to download and reread if needed."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME PARENTS This powerpoint will be linked on my blog for you to download and reread if needed.

2 My goal this year is to show your child that
they can be successful. No Excuses! I DO believe in them and their ability and I want them to do the same! The Biggest Obstacles To Them Reaching This Goal: Not doing Homework consistently (already a concern) Not Taking good notes Not Showing work Not coming in for help when they need it

3 Math Grade 7 Course Guide
First Semester Operations with Rational Numbers (approximately 6 weeks) Expressions and Equations (approximately 6 weeks) Ratios and Proportional Reasoning (approximately 6 weeks) Second Semester Inferences (approximately 4 weeks) Geometry (approximately 5 weeks) Probability (approximately 4 weeks) Year Review and Introduction to 8th Grade (5 weeks)

4 GRADING POLICIES Grading Weights: Unit Tests 45%
Classwork/Quizzes/Daily Grades % Homework % Students are required to put their names on their work. Work with no name is subject to penalties. Students should use their agenda for reminders to turn work in or discuss issues with teachers. No Late Work will be accepted. If extenuating circumstances arise, they may be discussed with us on an individual basis.

5 CONTACT INFORMATION For all of my classes: Ms. Kimberly Williams address: Voice Mail: – 8131 extension 471 For my 3/4 class: Ms. Becky Fischhaber address: Voice Mail: – 8131 extension

6 Tools To Help Students BLOG ONLINE TEXTBOOK
Or Go to McClure Website On right side, click on teacher blogs Scroll down to team Seven B and click on Ms. Williams – Math ONLINE TEXTBOOK Click on the Online Textbooks link For user name enter: kwilliams2319 For password enter: math7

7 What if your child needs Extra Help in math???
HELP SESSIONS Currently, most Wednesday at 8:15 a.m. These sessions are focused around student lead questions. (This may change in the near future.)

8 First resource should be the online textbook.
Some great websites that I constantly recommend to the students are: Use the Algebra book. This site offers a mini-lesson, examples, and often practice that the students can get immediate feedback. This site offers a mini-lessons, videos, examples, and often practice that the students can get immediate feedback. Most of our topics are under Algebra. This site offers teachers and students working out examples and explaining them. This site has explanation and some examples. Username: mccluremsga Password: lunch number Username: lunch number Password: cobb Location: mcclure01

9 What if I need to help my child at home?


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