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Bell Work Identify an Unconditioned Stimulus and the Unconditioned Response it produces.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work Identify an Unconditioned Stimulus and the Unconditioned Response it produces."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work Identify an Unconditioned Stimulus and the Unconditioned Response it produces.

2 Organisms relate stimulus to consequences.
Operant Conditioning


4 Thorndike Thorndike's puzzle box
Learning happens by “accident” – unsure of outcome of behavior… Cats placed inside box At first, unsure After repeated exposure, learned to press lever

5 B.F. Skinner Skinner Box : Also called operant chambers
Rodents, typically Press button to receive food

6 Reinforcement Positive Negative Something is added as a reward
Most effective way to change behavior Negative An undesirable stimulus is removed to reward behavior The beeping in your car if no seatbelt

7 Primary and secondary reinforcers
Primary = biological Food, drink, pleasure, etc. Secondary = conditioned reinforcers Money, happiness from doing “good”, etc.

8 Punishment Punishment, especially violence, leads to aggression
Must be immediate and consistent Positive Stimulus is added Spanking Negative Stimulus removed Grounded from computers/cell phone

9 Shaping The form of the response is changed until the desired response is achieved. Circus elephant tricks…

10 Wrap Up How is classical conditioning different from operant conditioning?

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