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Industrial Ecology of Earth Resources EAEE E4001

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Ecology of Earth Resources EAEE E4001"— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Ecology of Earth Resources EAEE E4001
Nickolas J. Themelis

2 Sustainable development (UN) : How to meet the needs
Introduction Sustainable development (UN) : How to meet the needs of the present generation… …without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs

3 Industrial Ecology for materials production:
Introduction Industrial Ecology for materials production: The design or re-design of processes and products with full knowledge of their environmental impacts Materials: Minerals, fuels, water

4 Annual consumption of copper during the 20th century
Copper is principally used in electrical and water conduits --> it is a good measure of the material standard of living 10 kg/capita for the highly developed nations 0.6 kg/capita in China 0.2 kg/capita in India

5 Ore RESERVES are not infinite: The “tyrannies” of ore type and grade (Kellogg)

6 Energy savings from materials recycling

7 Estimated global anthropogenic emissions in tons/year (after Nriagu &Pacyna 1998)

8 Application of 20th century materials extraction technologies to 21th century problems

9 Earth and Environmental Engineering : A new discipline for materials and the environment

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