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Diversity and function of terrestrial ecosystems under global changes

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1 Diversity and function of terrestrial ecosystems under global changes
Han Y. H. Chen

2 Research in Chen’s lab Global changes Function Diversity loss
Climate change Disturbances Global changes Function Biomass & element cycling Diversity loss Plants

3 Rockström et al. 2009. A safe operating space for humanity
Rockström et al A safe operating space for humanity. Nature 461:472

4 Barnosky et al. Nature 471, 51-57 (2011) doi:10.1038/nature09678
Relationship between extinction rates and the time interval for mammals Five mass species extinctions occurred in the past 540 million years Entering 6th mass species extinction Barnosky et al. Nature 471, (2011) doi: /nature09678

5 Humans and the extinction crisis
Urbanization Humans and the extinction crisis Agriculture Forestry Climate change Pollution

6 Global threats to biodiversity
C. J. Vörösmarty, Global threats to human water security and river biodiversity. Nature  47, 555–561 (2010)

7 Biodiversity (loss) ecological functioning (BEF)
Net primary production Nutrient cycling Trophic interactions Insect and pathogen out breaks

8 The original hypothesis
The presence of a “divergence of characters” reduces competition as a result of different demands for resources, and consequently improves productivity

9 The “First” empirical evidence
Cedar Creek experiment Tilman et al. (1997) Science 277:

10 Diversity and productivity relationships
Debate persists Natural vs. planted grasslands (Adler et al. 2011, Science 333, 1750; Fraser et al. 2015, Science 349, 302) Evenness Heterogeneity of life-history traits Poorly understood for forests

11 Hypotheses . Richness & evenness The extent of life-history variation
Biomes: competitive exclusion vs positive interactions (niche differentiation, facilitation) Stand origin: planted vs natural systems Stand age .

12 13 22 Tropical Boreal Meta-data Temperate 19
Each selected original study was designed to test diversity effects, i.e., similar sites and disturbance history

13 Net diversity effect (ES)
Pij = Productivity in mixtures j = observation, i = study = the mean productivity of monocultures of ith study Evenness H’ = observed Shannon’s index S = species richness Pielou (1969)

14 Variation of life history traits
Contrasting shade tolerance Yachi & Loreau (2007) Contrasting nitrogen-fixing Fast-slow growth

15 Global average effect of diversity
25% productivity increase Zhang, Chen & Reich, J Ecol 100:742-49

16 Statistical analysis Boosted regression trees De’ath 2007
Elith et al. 2008 Regression trees + boosting Machine learning Model averaging

17 Predicted ln(ES) Monotonic Non-monotonic 13% 34% 15% 29% <3% <2%

18 Mechanisms from DPR experiments
Niche differentiation and/or facilitation Grasslands (Tilman and others) Algae in fresh water systems (Cardinale BJ, Nature 472, 86-89) Reduced Janzen–Connell effects Positive DPRs realized by reduced plant disease (Schnitzer et al. 2011, Ecology 92, )

19 Potential mechanisms are poorly understood in natural environments - Greater resource utilization spatially and temporally due to resource heterogeneity?

20 Fine root biomass Fine root production

21 Forest Grassland


23 Multivariate relationship--SEM

24 Plant species mixtures increase microbial biomass and respiration

25 The effect increases with the number of species in mixtures
More pronounced over time

26 Summary-DPR Diversity increases productivity
Both natural and planted systems Above- and belowground Strength of DPR increases over time Mechanisms in natural systems Increased tree size inequality for aboveground Increased soil volume filling and nutrient utilization Plant diversity increases Soil respiration Microbial biomass/abundance

27 Research in Chen’s lab Global changes Diversity Function
Climate change Disturbances Global changes Diversity Plants Function Biomass & element cycling

28 IPCC 2014 Rising CO2 Warming

29 IPCC 2014

30 Global drought trends for past 60 years
Sheffied et al Nature 491: 435

31 Importance of understanding climate change impacts on forests
A large and persistent carbon sink in the World’s forests via increasing biomass (Pan et al Science) Uptake (2.4 Pg C year−1) = 35% of fossil fuel emission (7 Pg C year−1) Boreal forests account for 49% of global forest carbon (Dixon et al Science)

32 Climate change and forests
Studied 76 old-growth (>200 years old) stands Implications Reduced ecosystem function, carbon sink to source Forest compositional change Biome shifts

33 Studied 96 old stands (>80 years old)

34 Two underlying assumptions:
Climate change effects are the same in young and old forests Endogenous effects on tree mortality in old forests are solely attributed to climate change Connell and Slatyer (1977), Am Nat 104:501-28 "We have found no example of a community of sexually reproducing individuals…… reached a steady-state equilibrium"

35 Others attributed temporal increases in mortality to stand development
Luo & Chen Journal of Ecology 99: Lutz & Halpern Ecological Monographs 76: Thorpe & Daniels Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42: Competition Negative density dependence Tree ageing “Unsuitable statistical methods that marginalize either climate or non-climate drivers for longitudinal data in which these drivers are highly correlated” (Brown et al GCB: 17: 3697)

36 Bayesian models 887 permanent plots Measured from 1958 to 2007
Stand age ranges from 17 to 243 years old ~ a million records Bayesian models

37 Higher climate change-induced tree mortality in young than old forests
Aging Competition NDD


39 Broadleaves Early-successional conifers Late-successional conifers

40 Broadleaves Early-successional conifers Late-successional conifers

41 Changes in plant N:P do not only affect the fitness of plants, but also the fitness
and composition of herbivores

42 Global data 1,418 publications 24,770 observations

43 Plant biomass N : P responses to global change
Natural (Controlled)




47 On-going Research in Chen’s lab
Climate change Disturbances Global changes Global patterns Mechanisms Mitigation strategies Diversity Plants and others Function Biomass & element cycling

48 Acknowledgements

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