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And now for your announcements!

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Presentation on theme: "And now for your announcements!"— Presentation transcript:

1 And now for your announcements!

2 Girls Lacrosse Conditioning Monday – Friday EXCEPT Wednesdays
right after school in the senior area Girls Lacrosse

3 Attention Girls softball
There will be a brief meeting in Mr. Fabians room today after school

4 Every track runner in Michigan begins practice in March. START NOW!!!
Winter track training will get you AHEAD of the rest of the runners. Please join us after school on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday if you do not do a winter sport. Do not underestimate how beneficial winter training is to get you in shape and ready to go once March comes around. Coach Lohr

5 Cost is $11 for two games, pizza, and pop
French & Spanish clubs are going Laser tagging on… Wednesday, February 6th Cost is $11 for two games, pizza, and pop Bring your $ and sign up with Madame Wieten or Senora Griffith by MONDAY!

6 Any Senior boys and girls soccer players who are committed to playing college soccer next year and will be signing a letter of intent needs to see Mr. Hickey in room 241 by Monday, February 4th.

7 AMBLE INN Now open!

8 Get Your Popcorn Here! That’s right! The Amble Inn is now selling POPCORN! POP in and get some, just 50 Cents! Available all three lunches!

9 There will be a meeting February 6th!
Creative Writing

10 Film, Art, Music and Entertainment
F.A.M.E. Show Film, Art, Music and Entertainment Friday, February 15, 2013 Evening Performance Pick up applications in room 210 and perform in front of your classmates!! DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES – February 6, 2013

11 Military Rep Visits WHO? Juniors and Seniors.
WHEN? Tuesday, February 5 at 12:30—Army National Guard WHERE? Sign up in the Counseling Office by Monday afternoon, Feb.4, if you are interested in attending. You may pick up your pass on Tuesday morning in the Counseling Office. Military Rep Visits

12 Safe Driving Awareness Contest
In order to raise awareness of the growing problem of texting while driving, the Rochester Hills Government Youth Council is sponsoring a contest funded by Ford and AAA January 28th to February 15th to submit a poster, video, song, or anything that will promote no texting while driving. The top 3 winners from each school will receive Visa Gift Cards: First place gets $150, second place gets $100 and third place gets $75. Winning videos or songs will be placed on the announcements, and posters will be hung throughout the school. Safe Driving Awareness Contest

13 French and Spanish Clubs
French and Spanish clubs are playing Lazer Tag after school on Wednesday, February 6! Please sign up with Madame Wieten or Sra Griffith if you are interested in joining the fun! French and Spanish Clubs

14 Highlander Putt-Putt Challenge
This is a great way to get that putter a dusting from the winter and kick start to the coming spring!! Bring the family or get a team for the competition! 18 Holes of Putt-Putt action February 9th from 9:00 AM - Noon COST! Middle/H.S. Students= $5.00 Adults = $6.00 Family of 3- 5 = $15.00!! Vendor Prizes See Mr. Picot for details Highlander Putt-Putt Challenge

15 Thanks for listening! Keep it classy.

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