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Which one of these lines is wrong?

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Presentation on theme: "Which one of these lines is wrong?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which one of these lines is wrong?
A B F G E C D Which one of these lines is wrong?

2 If I have a query point P, and I’m trying to find the nearest neighbor, and I have two bounding boxes M and M’, which of the following conditions lets me ignore M? MINDIST(P,M) > MINMAXDIST(P,M’) MINDIST(P,M) < MINMAXDIST(P,M’) MINDIST(P,M’) > MINMAXDIST(P,M) MINDIST(P,M’) < MINMAXDIST(P,M)

3 If I have a query point P and a potential nearest neighbor O, and an MBR M which might have an even closer neighbor, which of the following conditions does not let me eliminate something? ||(P,O)|| > MINMAXDIST(P,M) ||(P,O)|| < MINDIST(P,M) ||(P,O)|| > MINDIST(P,M’) > MINMAXDIST(P,M) MINDIST(P,M’) < MINMAXDIST(P,M)

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