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Welcome to sixth grade! 08/11/2016

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to sixth grade! 08/11/2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to sixth grade! 08/11/2016
Beginning of Class Procedures: Come in quietly and find a seat. You will be assigned a seat later. Turn in any signed documents to the 1st period bin. Please, DO NOT bring a backpack until you get a locker. If you do bring a backpack… YOU WILL GO TO YOUR HOMEROOM CLASS DURING ELT TODAY. Go get your breakfast NOW. Do not wait. Breakfast is over at 9:15. First period will begin immediately after announcements. If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE

2 Language Arts – Warm Up 08/10/16 Turn in your “Narrative Writing” sheet from yesterday.
Using your brainstorming sheet, complete any missing parts from your graphic organizer. Use the pink sheet on your desk to help you with sensory details.

3 Language Arts – Work Session 08/10/16
Essential Question: How can I clearly convey who I am as a person through narrative writing? Standard: ELACC6W4 - Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. “Today I will use RAFT writing because it will help me address a topic for a specific audience and purpose.”

4 Language Arts – Work Session 08/10/16
Narrative Writing – “Who Am I as a Person?” Once you have completed your graphic organizer, begin your rough draft on a sheet of notebook paper .

5 Language Arts – Work Session 08/08/16
R.A.F.T. Writing Activity Role - Student Audience – Your Teacher Format – Essay Topic – Who am I as a person?

6 Language Arts – Work Session 08/10/16
The Writing Process Prewriting – Brainstorm! Drafting – Start your first draft. Revising – Make changes. Editing – Add in your changes. Publishing – Type your final draft.

7 Language Arts – Closing Session 08/10/16
Narrative Writing – Pair Share With a partner at your table, exchange papers. Once you have read the other person’s paper, provide positive feedback for that person. For example, if you think they need to improve their sentences, say something like “This sentence could be improved if you…”. This way, you are providing ways to help them, not simply criticizing them with no offering to help.

Language Arts – E.L.T /10/16 HOMEROOM STUDENTS ONLY TODAY Locker Disbursement Locker Video After Lunch… P.B.I.S. Lessons Hallway Procedures

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