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The Cold War.

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1 The Cold War

2 Ohio Learning Standards
#17 - United States & Soviet Union became superpowers competing for Global Influence #18 – Treaties & Agreements at end of WWII changed national boundaries & created Multinational organizations #26 – Proliferation of nuclear weapons created challenges to World Peace

3 World split into two camps One-side being Capitalism – led by USA
other being Communism – led by Soviet Union

4 not actual fighting, But …
… about Economic & Political differences: C__________ (Democracy) vs C__________ (Socialized) … Each side armed heavily to prepare for potential of all-out nuclear conflict in World War III scenario N______ Proliferation M______ Deterrence

5 It was cold…??? … between TWO major Superpowers:
* … NOT because it involved Russia but because there was no large-scale fighting … between TWO major Superpowers: = NATO (led by____) vs WARSAW Pact (by _____) … several regional (P_______) wars – like those in China, Korea, & Vietnam

6 Divided Europe … over responsibility (Power) to rebuild and influence post-war Europe: especially G________ * Both sides desiring to secure B______ Z_____ between themselves & the other Bloc * Winston Churchill calls this I__ __ C________

7 Capitalism vs Communism

8 Balancing of Power … Desiring Global Influence

9 Brinksmanship Split in Germany /Europe / Asia …
* State of political/military tension between … Western Bloc vs Eastern Bloc Split in Germany /Europe / Asia … both sides desiring to outdo the other * N_____ A____ R_____ : USA vs USSR

10 Armaments & Missiles = ICBMs

11 Eastern Bloc = Warsaw Pact
East European countries “liberated” from Nazis … then occupied by Soviet Red Army = East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czech Rep Soviet-style “Republics” with Communist Gov (Russian-style) = “Sat_______ St_______” S_____ P______ set up to crush resistance Ex: KGB in Republics + Stasi in Germany

12 Western Bloc = NATO Adopt Con________ Policy … goal is to stop spread of Communism Contest for establishing Global Influence … between free peoples (Democracy) vs Totalitarian regimes (Communist)

13 West vs East


15 Marshall Plan Capitalism + Democracy
pledge Economic aid to European countries for pledging loyalty to NATO Capitalism + Democracy

16 “Tri-zonia” in West Germany
Re-building German economy including the introduction of new currency – Deutsch Mark Success of Marshall Plan in American Zone = merger of zones into one W____ G________


18 Economic Impact decades later

19 East Germany = Soviet Sector
After Berlin Blockade - Stalin & Comm Party intensify efforts toward “State” control Creation of GDR – stronger form of Central Gov Stalinization - “implement Soviet-style Socialism”

20 Responses to West Germany
Stalin institutes Berlin Blockade – prevent NATO food & supplies from arriving into Berlin US & Britain begin massive Airlift to fly supplies in to cutoff sections of West Berlin

21 Berlin Wall Following Volkspolizei uprising - East German Gov took over even more of the business planning & ownership - New quotas, Expanded hours, Reduced Salaries To keep workers from escaping to West Germany – GDR builds Wall & expands fencing

22 Volkspolizei Strike in East Berlin spread across East Germany into over 500 towns & villages East German Gov calls Soviet Tank Forces in to bring protests was under control

23 Nuremberg Trials – Nazis Go down!

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