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FortisBC Inc. Resource Planning Advisory Group

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1 FortisBC Inc. Resource Planning Advisory Group
July 28, 2015 Workshop FortisBC

2 Welcome and Introductions
Mike Hopkins Senior Manager, Price Risk & Resource Planning -Safety message first -Explain at a high level why we have asked everyone to come to today’s workshop – to inform them of our updates re load forecast and resource options, etc. and get feedback – in particular on load forecast scenarios and supply-side resource options and portfolio analysis

3 Resource Plan Advisory Group (RPAG)
-Ask everyone in the room to introduce themselves, what organization they are representing -some folks will be conference calling in -FBC folks should also say which department or area they work in

4 Agenda 8:30 am Registration & Breakfast 9:00 am
9:00 am Welcome and Introductions Mike Hopkins 9:15 am BC Electricity Policy and Emissions Paul Wieringa – BC Government 9:45 am Market Price Forecasts and PPA Rate Scenarios Tony Liu 10:00 am Long-Term Load Forecasts and Scenarios David Bailey & Soyean Kim 10:40 am Break 11:00 am Load-Resource Balance 11:20 am FBC Resources Dan Egolf 11:50 am Supply-Side Resource Options Ron Zeilstra 12:30 pm Lunch 1:30 pm Portfolio Analysis 1:50 pm Planning Reserve Margin 2:10 pm Transmission System Update Paul Chernikhowsky 2:30 pm Wrap-Up and Next Steps Remind folks that there is a glossary on the back of the agenda Also, ask folks to please use the evaluation form Feedback from last workshop included: send presentation out ahead of the meeting, opportunity for stakeholder presentation, discussion of DG and load scenarios Nothing on DSM and other savings LT forecast yet since that will be determined from the 2015 CPR

5 Workshop #1 Recap Discussed planning process, external environment, load forecast methodology, DSM & Other Savings, power markets and operations We will not be combining FEI gas and FBC electric resource plans - Limited shared items and distinct subject matter - Two separate reviews still required - No significant benefits with combining Seek RPAG input on load forecast scenarios - Part of agenda today

6 LTERP Section Outline Executive Summary
Introduction – FBC overview, planning process, objectives, BCUC directives Planning environment – external factors (e.g. energy and environmental policy) Load forecasts – before DSM & other savings Existing supply-side resources – FBC generation and other supply Transmission system update – identify future requirements Load-resource balance – identify gaps, before DSM & other savings Resource options – DSM & other savings, supply-side resources, transmission Portfolio analysis – risks analysis, rate impacts, preferred portfolio Action plan – 4 year action plan, contingency plans Appendices – includes LRMC review, Resource Options Report, PRM approach The LTERP presents a long-term plan for meeting the forecasted peak and energy requirements of customers with demand-side and supply-side resources over the twenty-year planning horizon Resource planning objectives: Ensure cost-effective, secure and reliable power for customers; Provide cost-effective energy efficiency and conservation (EEC) initiatives, and Ensure consistency with provincial energy objectives (for example, the applicable Clean Energy Act objectives) Other savings includes impacts from Residential Conservation Rate (RCR), Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Customer Information Portal (CIP)

7 LTERP Timeline

8 Please ask questions and provide feedback

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