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NetChat Communications Framework

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1 NetChat Communications Framework
Overview January 16, 2007

2 Purpose Modular communications protocol XML representation of data
SSL encryption of traffic Function-independent data encapsulation Provide one application to serve many communications needs

3 NetChat Protocol (NCP)
The basic message: <message> <header> <properties/> </header> <content> ... </content> </message>

4 Server Written in Ruby MySQL backend
Will be able interconnect and route clients connections

5 Clients J-Client: Written in Java Graphical interface
Main distribution client Py-Client Written in Python Curses/text interface

6 Modules Must be approved by server
Can be loaded and unloaded on the fly Will implement a versioning system Currently have login and chat modules

7 Modules, cont. Module system allows anyone to create modules without having to mess with the framework.

8 Server Messages Messages sent from the server to the client framework
Examples: Module request Module authorization Ping/Pong

9 Module Messages Specific to modules
Routed to correct module by client framework Strips header element Module only receives the “content” XML tree

10 The Future Improve on existing modules:
Chat: Add group chat and other chat protocols Login: Kerberos/TJ authentication Create new modules: User web space Mail Add server interconnectivity

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