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Chapter 40R & 40S: Initial Progress

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1 Chapter 40R & 40S: Initial Progress
Barry Bluestone Dean, School of Social Science, Urban Affairs, and Public Policy Northeastern University October 30, 2006

2 The Basics of “Smart Growth” Chapter 40R
Allows local option to adopt Overlay Districts near transit, areas of concentrated development, commercial districts, rural village districts, and other suitable locations Allows “as of right” residential development of minimum allowable densities Provides that 20% of the units be affordable Allows Mixed Use and Infill Encourages open space and protects historic districts Provides Smart Growth monetary incentives to municipalities

3 Chapter 40 S School Cost Insurance Program
Ch. 40S provides “insurance” that the State will pay for net additional school costs (if any) for students in new housing in Chapter 40R Districts If there are no net costs, there is no payment By taking the school cost issue off the table, it makes it economically feasible for communities to permit modest prices single family home construction

4 Chapter 40R and S are Working
Plymouth, North Reading, Norwood, Dartmouth, Lunenburg, and Chelsea have passed 40Rs More than 30 Communities have expressed interest or considering passage Already land is zoned for over 1,700 new units of housing … a strong start

5 Smart Growth Zoning under consideration
LEGEND Filed w/DHCD or applied for PDF grant Under local consideration

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