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Territorial Trends and Challenges in Regional Policies

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1 Territorial Trends and Challenges in Regional Policies
Regions and Cities Week, Brussels 9-11 October 2018 Ben Gardiner 09/10/2018

2 Outline Introduction and context Database description
Examples of European regional trends analysis Conclusions

3 Introduction and Context
Description of CE European Regional database Project for JRC-ISPRA Helping to transition European regional database on to JRC territorial platform Handover of knowledge to ISPRA Further enhancements to database Some applications looking at regional trends and patterns of behaviour across Europe

4 What is the CE EuroReg database?
NUTS2/3 EU-wide (newer MS from >) GVA, Employment, Hours Worked, Employee Compensation, GFCF, Population (total, active) 6 sectors of activity (agriculture, industry, construction, financial and business services, other market services, public services)

5 Changing Spatial and Sectoral Classifications
National Accounts Classification Time period NUTS Classification Industry Classification ESA79 NUTS 1999 NACE Rev. 1 ESA95 NUTS 2003 NACE Rev. 1.1 NUTS 2006 NACE Rev. 2 ESA2010 NUTS 2010 NUTS 2013

6 Painstaking Process to Ensure Consistency
Many gaps to be filled, errors to be corrected, consistencies to be maintained (across space, time and activity) The hierarchy of relationships is illustrated below. Employment Gross Value Added GDP Compensation of Employees Gross Fixed Capital Formation Population Active population Hours Worked

7 Now available for free download!
JRC data platform: Enter ‘Cambridge Econometrics’ in the search field

8 Empirical Analysis: Levels, Growth and Convergence

9 Empirical Analysis: Levels, Growth and Convergence

10 Empirical Analysis: Regional Disparities

11 Empirical Analysis: Transition Matrices
Proportion of Regions in GDP per capita Qunitiles, 2015 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 56 4 48 8 24 44 16 12 32 36 28 76 Proportion of Regions in GDP per capita Qunitiles, 1996

12 Empirical Analysis: Transition Matrices
Proportion of Regions in GDP per capita Qunitiles, 2015 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 72 8 76 12 4 16 48 28 32 44 24 68 92 Proportion of Regions in GDP per capita Qunitiles, 2006

13 Empirical Analysis: GDP per capita, Productivity and Employment

14 Empirical Analysis: GDP per capita, Productivity and Employment

15 Empirical Analysis: GDP per capita Drivers
EU15 = 100 2001 GDP COMPONENT Regional GDP per capita group No of regions GDP per capita Sectoral productivity Sectoral hours worked Employment rate Dependency rate Less than 75% EU average 48 62.82 81.28 109.11 91.98 92.57 More than 75% but less than EU average 74 90.09 97.65 97.45 96.01 99.06 More than EU average 92 125.30 108.55 98.58 106.04 105.95 2015 44 57.98 76.06 107.87 90.95 91.36 78 88.84 97.26 98.83 95.22 99.91 127.09 110.87 98.90 107.51 104.77

16 Empirical Analysis: Convergence

17 Twin Peaks – a Cautionary Tale….

18 Conclusions CE database Empirical analysis
Upload done, freely available GFCF still missing but available Further work (capital stock) in the pipeline 2016 update being planned shortly Empirical analysis Regional disparities, GDP per capita (convergence, decomposition, drivers) Income traps and lagging regions Academic papers Still holding out hope for a more detailed regional-sector database in future…

19 Now available for free download!
JRC data platform: Enter ‘Cambridge Econometrics’ in the search field

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