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SE Questions and progress in quantum information and causality

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1 SE Questions and progress in quantum information and causality
WS18/ Schüttelkopf Philipp

2 Overview Introduction Circuit Results Premise Causal relations Quantum
Realization Setup Witness Results

3 Premise Example: drug trial A (treatment) precedes B (recovery)
A : assigned treatment D, treatment preference C Berkson effect: Classical: Given two independent events, if you consider only outcomes where at least one occurs, then they become negatively dependent. Here: Conditioned on recovery: Assigned treatment and the unobserved common cause, also between assigned treatment and treatment preference

4 Cause effect Common cause Probabalistic mixture Physical mixture
Causal relations Cause effect Common cause Probabalistic mixture Physical mixture

5 Only interested in mixtures
Ignore combinations of quantum and classical Coherent physical mixture: Quantum Berkson effect

6 Quantum A and B quantum systems
Measurements on B and randomized intervention on A: C is measured and D is randomly prepared Trace-preserving, completely positive map from states on D to states on the composite C B: Quantum Berkson effect: Finding a measurement on B implies quantum correlations between C and D Entanglement

7 Quantum classical Cause effect: Common cause Probabalistic mixture
Entanglement between B and D Common cause Entanglement between C and B Probabalistic mixture Physical mixture : if there exists no such probabalistic mixture

8 Realization Introduce E to mediate between B and C‘s common cause
Introduce F to preserve dimensionality, discarded afterwards Initial state: = Unitary: coherent combination of: cause effect + common cause

9 Realization Map: identitiy D->B + CB in max entangled state
+ coherences Berkson effect: similarly where:

10 Realization Probabalistic Quantum: Classical: PhysC
Replace the partial swap with an equal probabilistic mixture of identity and swap Eliminates coherence terms Classical: Complete Dephasing on D and E Classical Bits PhysC B nontrivial function of D and E Here: B = prob mixture[nontrivial-f(D,E) & max mixed state]

11 Setup i) no dephasing ii) dephasing BiBO... Bismuth-Borate
BBO ... β-Barium-Borate LCR ... liquid-crystal retarder HWP ...half-wave-plate QWP ...quarter-wave-plate APD ... avalanche photo diode PBS/NPBS ... (Non)-polarizing beam splitter Folded displaced Sagnac interferometer

12 Witness Physical mixture: Entanglement witness:
Is zero for all probabalistic mixtures Entanglement witness: Negativity T ... Transposition XYz = BDc (cause effect) , CBd (common cause) Quantum Berkson effect:

13 Results a) and b) classical c) and d) quantum a) and c) prob mixtures
b) and d) phys mixtures d) Quantum Berkson effect (Uncertainties one standard deviation Estimated using Monte Carlo, assuming Poissonian noise, on photon counts)

14 Reconstructed causal maps Choi states
Real and imaginary part. Blue (red) represents positive (negative) values Fidelities: a) ProbC - b) PhysC- c) PhysQ - d)COH -

15 Summary Common cause and cause effect are not mutually exclusive
Classically and quantum Coherent/physical mixture if no probabalistic mixture Quantum if Berkson correlations are quantum (entanglement) Quantum coherent : each pathway (common-cause, cause-effect) coherent Demonstrated to be realisable

16 Questions?

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