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My Emotional Journey As a Writer

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1 My Emotional Journey As a Writer
Cassandra Coronel

2 INTRODUCTION Many people consider the arts one of the best ways to release inner demons. When I was in High School, I really enjoyed writing and drawing, however over the years, I gradually stopped doing both. I still enjoy writing and arts as a way to express myself in a vague, yet powerful way.

3 CONTENT While looking through the artifacts, I realized that while I use pathos mostly, I write in an informative way Zombie Cranberries (Song Lyric Analysis) : teaches the reader about what the song was about and the time Chancla (definition remix) : teaches about culture and a word used in that culture Anti Christmas in Thanksgiving Sign (writing for change) : teaches about the injustice of early decorating Monday Night (flash narrative) : teaches about what it feels like to have a crush and being unable to say anything Advertisement (print advertisement analysis) : teaches how Coke uses pathos their ads

4 ZOMBIE CRANBERRIES “It could be taken a couple different ways; one, it could mean that society as a whole doesn’t really think and just goes with the flow of what’s given to them. It could also mean that people are unable or unwilling to think about who they’re hurting to accomplish their own means.” PURPOSE: To evaluate the meaning of the lyrics and examine the influence of time on O’ Riordans’ song Zombie AUDIENCE: The professor and the rest of the class CONTEXT: As I grew as a person in this class, I was asked to evaluate the meaning of song lyrics and determine the meaning of the song. I used evidence from websites about this song to back up my claims. I noticed that they all suggested the same meaning and I used this to my advantage I believe that my voice especially shows in this one, since my bias shows strongly in this one “I think that what she was trying to say was after several wars, everyone is kind of in a mode of repressed emotions where we don’t let it be known that we care or we just stopped caring since we’re numb to that pain.”

5 CHANCLA PURPOSE: to analyze a word and investigate the cultural and literal meaning of a word AUDIENCE: teacher and the class CONTEXT: For this assignment, I used the urban dictionary meaning of this word to find the social meaning of this word and then I used my knowledge of spanish to take the literal meaning and connect the two. For the first part, I used a story to attract the audience to my work Nextly, I used my voice and sense of humour to make it more personable “My dad, to this day, flinches whenever he hears that word, since he got a chancla thrown at him very often as a child who grew up in Mexico.” “Most people know that when a parent starts removing their chancla, you want to start running to a room that can be locked.”

PURPOSE: to educate people on the crime of decorating early AUDIENCE: My friends, the teacher and the class CONTEXT: In this one I used digital media to project an idea that I had in my head to speak for me as a form as imagery

7 MONDAY NIGHT PURPOSE: to describe how I feel when I have a crush with someone with the best imagery that I can muster AUDIENCE: The class, my teacher and a few of my friends CONTEXT: For this project, I wrote about an experience that I deal with whenever I’m with the subject of my affections I used repetition of a few words to create emphasis and to draw attention I used imagery so that the reader could feel like they were with me I also had my voice in this one especially since love is a very vocal thing “God I love her smile, so simple and real. Flash back into the moment. God I hope I’m not blushing.” “Her face twists into a pucker when the vodka touches her tongue.”

8 ADVERTISEMENT “Red is a colour that makes our heart beat quicker and is used to symbolize love. Also, for any food product, brown is usually a colour that can make people feel more hungry. Brown in general is a warmer colour that makes people feel comfortable. So combining these two colours with a white background, where the colours will pop even more, was a stroke of brilliance.” PURPOSE: To show how coke uses our emotions as toys to sell their products AUDIENCE: the class and the teacher CONTEXT: For this assignment, I looked into my background with the arts to examine their ads I used several forms of psychology to backup my point I used my voice in this one to show how I perceive their pathos based way of selling “The way that you can tell that this is a pathos ruled ad is because it encourages you to try to find some friend that you could share a coke with and maybe more.”

SIMILARITIES Use of my emotions and personality Humour usage A desire to teach people ALL OF THESE RESULT IN MY FAVOURITE WAY TO PROVE MY POINTS

10 CONCLUSION After I finish this class, I may get back into writing as a hobby, and even if I don’t, I know that it’s an option for me to pursue as a career I still enjoy writing greatly I know that my writing shows my personality as a sarcastic, joking person who loves to teach I also enjoy writing because some of the assignments helped me overcome some inner demons that were happening over the semester My emotions have gone so much into my writings, my friends can now recognize my writings

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